Animals in Industrial Quantities in The Hunter Call of the Wild [EN/ES]


Back to hunting with my colleague @perceval, we have gone to a reserve that I have visited before thanks to @pravesh0, some time ago we played in this reserve but in another area, by the way friend @pravesh0, I would like to play again very soon, I send you a big greeting and I hope everything is fine.

(Parenthesis here to indicate that the cover image was made in Copilot IA Source here)

Apneas entering the reserve I was able to kill a large Bison with silver trophy, later I was able to kill other specimens. It is the first time I managed to spot a Mule Deer and luckily I was able to hit one, although its antlers looked pretty good the trophy was bronze because I did not hit any vital organ.

Something funny and I found it very crazy, is that while I was shooting a Bison in the distance, in the distance I could hear warning calls from some turkeys, these when they heard the shot took flight fleeing the place, I saw how they glided and passed over me to land about 20 meters away, I do not understand how they did not see me, but obviously I did not miss the opportunity to shoot them, there were three and one of them escaped me, the other two were not so lucky, a male with a gold trophy and a female with a silver trophy.

I think the amount of animals in this place was exaggerated, there were really too many animals for what we are used to and somehow they were very quiet, it seemed strange to us and at times we thought there was some BUG or something like that. We were able to kill a lot of animals that day and increase the money bag.

If you have this game and you feel like joining a game don't hesitate to write me.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

De vuelta a la cacería con mi colega @perceval, hemos ido a una reserva que he visitado con anterioridad gracias a @pravesh0, hace un tiempo jugamos en esta reserva pero en otra área, por cierto amigo @pravesh0, me gustaría que volvamos a jugar muy pronto, te mando un gran saludo y espero todo este muy bien.

Apneas entrar a la reserva pude matar un gran Bisonte con trofeo de plata, más adelante pude matar otros ejemplares. Es la primera vez que logro avistar un Ciervo Mulo y por suerte pude acertar a uno, aunque su cornamenta se veía bastante bien el trofeo fue de bronce porque no le di en ningún órgano vital.

Algo gracioso y me pareció muy loco, es que mientras disparaba a un Bisonte en la distancia, a lo lejos podía escuchar llamados de advertencia de algunos pavos, estos al oír el disparo alzaron el vuelo huyendo del lugar, yo veía como planeaban y pasaron por encima de mí para aterrizar a unos 20 metros, no entiendo como es que no me vieron, pero obviamente no perdí la oportunidad de dispararles, eran tres y uno de ellos se me escapó, los otros dos no tuvieron tanta suerte, un macho con trofeo de oro y una hembra con trofeo de plata.

Creo que la cantidad de animales en este lugar era exagerada, realmente había demasiados animales para lo que estamos acostumbrados y de alguna manera estaban muy tranquilos, nos pareció extraño y en momentos pensamos que había algún BUG o algo parecido. Pudimos matar muchos animales ese día y aumentar la bolsa de dinero.

Si tienes este juego y te animas a unirte a alguna partida no dudes en escribirme.

Gracias por tu visita, sígueme para.png


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