Splinterlands - January 2021 Account Updates (Weekly Post)


As the new year begins Splinterlands market cap took off and never looked back.


Now up over $7 million and continue to rising my investments in Splinterland's NFT cards do not look too bad. The overall total value of my collection currently based of Peakmonster is $2039. Even at market price estimate is just fraction of a dollar away from $2000. This is my highest net worth in Splinterland cards to date.

Added Cards into My Collection for January 2021

For the month of January I added a couple of Untamed legends to strength my overall deck. In addition added a Silvershield Paladin Beta at level 5 to strengthen my Life deck and a Defender of Truth at level 2 for passive income. I also gain over 10k in DEC for the month saved and multiple reward cards earned.

Switch Guilds

Near the end of the month I moved on to a new guild with TeamPossible and now am in the Power Guild. With a weekly fee of 250 DEC but the bonus I am getting for being apart of the guild out ways the cost. I am also in preparation for the guild wars that will be occurring in future game updates.


The guild is ranked 18th and at level 8 in guild hall. Got to be happy being in this guild since I was originally at level 3 and the guild barely had any active members besides me.

Tournament Participation

I finally got the courage to try out a few tournaments but did not get the results I had hope for I still manage to earn a small amount of DEC in a couple of tournaments.

Look Ahead

One of the main reasons I was not able to add more monster cards into my collection is because I spend some of my crypto in Plot Lands. I currently have a total of four (4) plots and intend to add more before the official release of use for these items happen later this year. I am patiently waiting for a deal on plots and adding slowly and will continue to do so until the game updates are released. At the end hoping to have at least 10 plots before the start of use.

In the mean time my deck of cards will need to continue growing and focus is on more legend cards while adding Untamed legend summoners. I am really trying to save up for some legend summoners so it would give me better opportunity when competing but the demand for those cards are only raising their prices beyond my means.


Not to mention my goal of earning at least 1 bcx alpha legend is getting more difficult to obtain. The missing alpha legends I do not have are only increasing price by the day. Especially Spirit of the Forest which now is up to $85 per bcx. Not to say people would buy it at that price but there is no cheaper 1 bcx card currently. There is still focus to try to add the mission legends in my set but I will have to wait patiently on deals if I can get them.

One last item on my rental front I am earning slightly less on my daily leasing but I plan to spend some time this coming month to review my rental pricing to make adjustments since the overall card values have increased. I would think a slightly uptick in rental prices would be acceptable in this current market since the overall market cap rose by more than 10%. Getting a 10% improvement in earnings for my rental would be nice.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



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