Gone Passive With Splinterlands

Greetings, Fellow NFT Stackers And Magic Internet Energy Grinders!

Oh, wait. It's Shards now, SPS — the Splintershards. Not Dark Energy Crystals, anymore. Anyway, one kind of reward got tuned to the new kind of times and that's fine.

But what thrilled me for real, was the fact that...it might have been for quite some time...Land Plots in #Splinterlands Yield some return, too. For just owning any. I have got only one plot but it's giving me some shards per day and they might at the time of the Land release be used to further enhance it. A cycle might be set up.



This post was about me going passive, renting out almost all of my cards and not fighting for position in the competitive leagues. I was Gold II last season.

I could really use some spare time right now, though. And by right now I might mean months on end...without end,,,Very poetical, good job, me.

I got lots of chores and also, lots of distractions, decisions, etc. that would all require time. There's some major sports event going on and some watching might be due after years of not caring about football at all. That's entertainment for the weary mind.

Sleep is rest for the weary mind but we're not that smart and/or virtuous as to know better/care.

Not participating in grinding matches for the Daily Focus (Which was only nominal, I think. All kinds of teams in a battle would do the trick. I don't know, there might be a proper ratio of everything somewhere in the future), I can even choose to exercise...some.

The returns would not be the same. But otherwise, those higher returns were quite time-intensive. Not for me in my present...

I thought I might even get to play a game of Overwatch this evening...

But I might just be too weary. I still might do one. Let's que and see where it goes...


Oh, boy! It's updating. Again. See? What I mean by family guys having difficulties with wasting time. Perhaps everybody should.

Reading? Time for, I mean...hardly. Not yet, at least. Whatever it is, I could use it. I'll take it. No more matching for now, just renting, hodling, following, Let's consider it...my Sabbatical.

To be continued...



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