We will be reunited - Full gameplay - Genshin Impact - PC

"We will be reunited" is a story quest released today. Here is the full gameplay of "We will be reunited".

Spoiler alert:

We meet Ganyu at first quest but that's it. They tried to include a few characters in the recent quests and that's really nice. Compared to the v1.3 where we didn't see any other character, in this version, we got a chance to see all the characters in Monstadt and now in this quest, we see Ganyu, Barbara, Rosaria, Razor, and Jean.

The new boss "Abyss Herald" introduced in this quest and we get to help Razor and Andrius, also known as "Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves".

Traveler finally finds the missing sibling and we get to know Abyss monsters are actually people of the Khaenri'ah, an old nation destroyed by gods 500 years ago.

Khaenri'ah was a nation without a god, created by humans!

More in the video. It's a long video, sit back and enjoy.

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