New FPS Play-To-Earn Game : MiniRoyale

Hello there, gaming community!
I'm here to tell you about MiniRoyale: Nations , a new FPS play-to-earn game!

Mini Royale: Nations is a first-person shooter with a social strategy component that can be ran in your browser. MiniRoyale rewards players in-game with fungible tokens that can be exchanged for fiat and cryptocurrencies, making it a play-to-earn game, all powered by the Solana Blockchain.
Weapons, characters, land, buildings, tools, and other items will exist as NFTs that can be bought, borrowed, and sold in a free and open economy.
More info about miniroyale here

I've been playing this game for the past two weeks, and I can honestly say that I've loved every minute of itβ€”from the fast-paced game types that only take 5 or 6 minutes to complete to the fantastic freebies from the Level Rewards! 🀩

My dear friend and manager, @bananofarmer, who has also been my lone guide into this new world of P2E gaming, introduced me to this game. πŸ˜„

Here are a few pics of our ventures:

Getting set for a team play in the Team Deathmatch game mode with @bananofarmer! On the right, that's me playing as DJScholar! 😊
Yes, mulitplayer fun is where it's at in miniroyale! πŸ”₯

My performance wasn't great, luckily Banano keeps our team in the game! haha πŸ”₯

After a few days of playing and I am starting to get the hang of it.. πŸ˜ƒ

This was my 3rd mvp win, after I finally remembered to do a printscreen before starting a new match. πŸ˜†

Me getting a 1st in Battle Royale game mode! 🀩
I remember my hand was shaking so much after finishing this one! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Alright enough bragging lol

If any of you guys want to play some Miniroyale with me and @bananofarmer
You can just visit

What I love about Miniroyale is you don't have to sign up or buy the nfts right away to play, you can just enter in as a guest! πŸ˜€

You'll be losing out on some rewards though so in my opinion, it is better to sign up with a phantom wallet and buy a skin at floor price on Magic Eden.

Have some questions about the game?
Ask to your heart's content at the official MiniRoyale discord

That's all guys, thanks for reading as always. πŸ™‚
-Maggotmilk out

Few Important Links:
MiniRoyale: Nations' white paper:
MiniRoyale: Nations game :
MiniRoyale: Nations Discord:
MiniRoyale: Nations' News:
Phantom Wallet:
Magic Eden:

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