[LETS PLAY] Wildermyth: The Enduring War - Chapter 2: Agents of the HIVE

Hello and welcome back to the second installment of Wildermyth with M3ss! As the first installment of this series quickly became my most popular post since I've been on Hive I've been excited to get another episode made as soon as I had the time!

When we last left off the Agents had recruited their newest member when they met Tree! As Warrior seems to be one of the more safe picks we decided to have her start that path.


Our group had recently survived their first encounter with the Morthagi and had just set off to find Kyrdonor Foundry, rumored birthplace of our enemies.

Don't forget: We are playing on Carved In Stone so every choice we make REALLY matters and victory is not guaranteed!


Before we start I again want to shout out Wildermyth. It's a uniquely amazing game and deserves to be an even bigger success than it already is. If you enjoy this series at all I strongly encourage you to head on over to Steam and pick up Wildermyth right now!


As our party of four walked together along up the cart road leaving Swinebarn the next region they approached were the Mellowkestrel Hills. Outside of the village of Swine Stand Modnar went missing and our paety of 3 was warned by a passwing woman with a card full of supplies that people had been going missing in the area and she was running away before something happened to her.


Turning into town the trio immediately noticed that it looked like the woman on the road must have been the last person in town. It was completely deserted. Searching the town square was quick work and, as the party approached a small local mill, they heard voices.


Apart from the annoyance of being kidnapped and missing dinner Modnar was unharmed. That said, Modnar had been working out extra these days to be able to reach as far as possible with his swings and sometimes when he is hangry Modnar gets hangry and a little sassy.


"Come, Great One! We've brought your gift! Spare us!" Beverly the cultist screamed.

At that very moment the party left from the bushes, weapons drawn.

"Wait stop! The sacrifices are important! Without them we'll all be killed!" cries Flemberly the other cultist.


Truth be told the cultist didn't put up any more of a threat than scared villagers with farming equipment normally do. Adeth covered the area they were standing in Quelling Moss poison clouds and two of them almost immediately choked to death on their mucus. Tree cut the third one in half.

The Great One was a different story. Tree charged to the front line to find out if she could in down an ethereal opponent. Thankfully this game Conlof the Mystic time to interfuse their aura in a pile of bones located outside the beasts lair. Before you could say "snaptastic" their was something like an explosion and the beast had a foot and a half long bone (Note: the tibia of it's last sacrifice (a lovely stable-hand named Collin)). This seemed to turn the tide of the battle into The Agnets of the HIVEs favor.

I only say "seems" because that's when the Great One vomited fire all over Tree and Conlof.


Satisfied with itself the Great One let out a great roar which proivided Adeth the perfect angle to bury an arrow in it's throat. It dissipated and, when it did, the fire it belched left with it. This was a good thin as Tree and Conlof were screaming really loud and also about to die.


After camping in the town square long enough to bandage the parties wounds a lone figure stepped out from one of the abandoned looking houses! Approaching the party he explained that his family had been some of the first sacrificed by these strange women weeks before. He explained that himself and a pair of companions who were hidden somewhere with bows, were the last of the towns folk, and they would be leaving.

"It would be rude to leave without first thanking you so: I thank you" the man said before his shave slid back into the shadows.


The following days will full of scouting just out of reach of marauding gorgon war parties. Things had gotten worse. And it had started raining.

One afternoon when the group ducked into a small ruined looking Keep to avoid a driving storm they were able to find a ladder, intact and leading to an intact tower. Inside the towers single room the air smelled of jasmine and all manner of oddities laid strewn across the floor. The walls were all lined with silks and delicate tapestries.


As good a place as any to spend the night everyone agreed and, after relaxing a bit they went to look around the room in earnest. The smell was starting to give everyone a headache and, there is really no easy way to say this, one of the tapestries was breathing and it appeard someone was trapped in it.



Conlof extended his hand, tendrils of magic extending from his palm.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Modnar asked.

"*Never *tell me the odds." Conlof responded touching the cloth.


Suddenly everyone found themselves in of what appeared to be a perfect replica of the keep only located in the Shadow Sphere. Great.

"Goddamn it, Conlof" Tree muttered pulling out her battle hatchet.

"If you didnt like that you're going to hate this." Conlof said from behind her and, when she turned around, she found he was right.


That's all for this week team! I hope the gang can get out of this one and I'm back with Episode 3 soon!

Please leave any requests in the comments. I'm here to make this series as fun for each of you as it can be and, if you have good ideas for how to do that, please let me know!

If you are looking to stay updated and on the cutting edge of the Play2Earn scene please come and join us over in The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up.

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics

Thanks so much for reading yall! Take care of yourselves and each other until we meet again!

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