Skill or No skill in Clash Royale

After a long break from the game due to having so many other games to play, in the spare few mins I have I decided to pick Clash Royale back because I miss how competitive the game is. My friends have brought to my attention that my chosen deck is a no skill deck, The X-Bow. For many seasons this deck has been hated along with mortar and been labeled no skill.


The build above isn’t the normal one you would usually see, I’m not a huge fan of the cycle builds. Yes they may be very competitive but at the same time the cycle builds with low elixir can turn bad fast with little mistakes.


Both of my games today were games I could have lost easily with the most basic mistakes. The main reason I won these games were the Barbarians and Rocket, the combination helped me take down the tanks to allow the X-bow to get more damage on the tower.

No matter what deck you play in clash Royale I personally think every deck requires skill. What do you think?

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