I Picked Up Some More Games

A few days ago I was perusing the Facebook Marketplace, which I recently started looking into, after getting interested in picking up more games.

Anyway, I came across a listing for 8 PS3 games, for 2.50 each, or 4 for 9 Euros. The thing that caught my eye about this listing was the fact that they were being sold in my town... Well, my partners town, which I basically live in full time, (I'm only back in my hometown for work.)

I spoke with the person, and asked if they were still available, and when I found out they were I decided to arrange a pickup.

Okay, so I picked up these, which weren't the main attraction for me, but not a bad snag.

I've always loved the Assassins Creed series, and my favourite of the franchise are these three games in particular. They're great, and the main character of these ones, Ezio, is one of the best written protagonists of the series, in my opinion.

I also want to pick more PS3 games up, considering I recently cracked out the old console and have been playing it. The only two games I have for it currently are, Dynasty Warriors 6, and 7. So, it's nice to have some more games to play.

I got these two, which is cool. I loved the campaign of World At War, and the first two Modern Warfare games.

These games are from the golden age of the COD series, and for me personally they represent the golden age of my gaming experience. I played them on Xbox 360, and made and have maintained a lot of friendships from those days.

In fairness, I'll play some of these games, and potentially stream them. But, my main reason for purchasing games at the moment is to sell them online, and I think I'll be able to make an okay amount for them.

This one is a game I had back in the day, but I never really like it.

I had a bunch of PS3 games, and I stopped playing that console because I made a lot of friends on the Xbox and didn't know anyone on the PS3.

I did like some of the games, but always found it to be a very lonely experience compared to being in almost full party chats on the 360.

This game was kind of cool, and I'm looking forward to giving it another go. It revolves around you being a dragon rider, and you go around burning stuff, and fighting enemy armies. I can't really remember.

Around the time that Halo Reach was releasing I brought most of my PS3 games down to Xtravision (An Irish game shop) and sold them, I think I got about 130 - 140 Euros, and I always regretted selling them.

A bunch of the games were cool, and among them was Time Crisis 3, or 4, alongside the gun.

This is a game I remember, and I think I still own it on the Xbox 360.

This revolves around you being a Viking, and you walk around the map fighting and killing, kind of, demon things, and you need to free your Viking brethren to then mount a resistance against the creatures.

That's about all I remember, and I used to love playing. Sadly though, I don't have a functioning 360 console, and because of that, many of the games I own for the platform are nothing more than dust collectors. However, I'm in the market for a new one and I'm hoping to pick one up soon.

I got these for 18 Euros, and don't really mind the price considering the fact I actually want to play some of these games. But, when I'm finished with them and decide to put these up for sale I think I might be able to make, 40, 50, or maybe 60 Euros. So, it's not a bad return.

They're all in great condition, the disk are really clean, near mint, they have manuals and the box's are clean. World At War is just the disk, but that's okay.

Also, the seller was really nice and I told her to message me if she comes across any other games she's looking to sell and she said she would and asked what consoles I'm looking for, and I basically said everything.

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