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Well, Hello there miss Iza the Fanged

The Splinterlands Chaos collection sellings have been going strong over the last week. Not strong enough like selling out in a day, but after a week already more than 4 million packs have been sold which are unlocking all of these airdrops per million cards sold.

As I was a first buyer of the packs, I am eligable for all airdrops but with my 117 packs it is always a bit of a guess if I actually will receive them. This time I was a lucky one getting Miss Iza the Fanged. The last couple of airdrops I didn't get any, but in the first one the multipe Dr Blights gave a really good payout back.

Miss Iza the Fanged is really a welcome player to my earth deck, which I am starting to play more and more.

As you ofcourse have noticed the crypto market is going through a rough phatch where all alts are taking a tremendous loop down. Also the NFT market is not going all that good, but the cool thing is that the gaming NFTs are holding up really well actually. This ofcourse because these NFTs are cards that you can actually play with, which gives a good incentive to hold them.

In other words, collecting Splinterlands cards is paing off during these dramatic drops and holding up the price a lot better than a traditional alt.


My favorite place to check what my cards are doing and to rent out cards is surely still Peakmonsters, which keeps getting better and better.

The most recent change is seeing on the front page already from what collection a card is, as well as what the price is doing, without having to open it really.

As you see the Gold cards from the Alpha and Beta collection are still as good in price as they almost used to be. Renting market is different at the moment, as I am not getting the DEC prices for rentals at all like they were a couple of months ago, but I guess the influx of new players over the last couple of months are also still trying to get their hands on these older cards.

What I am seeing is that the new Chaos cards will really continue to sell, and the more they sell out, the faster they will go again. This is how it works and what I also have experienced from my own fomo.

Splinterlands is something we should just keep continue to play daily, do our quests, join in the brawls, collect the cards because it feels like this train is still not stopping at all.