Wasting Time; Playing WoW... kinda sorta


If it wasn't for New World coming out soon I'd be more inclined to hop back into Final Fantasy XIV, but alas, I don't really want to fall into a proper MMO when I'm planning on playing the hell out of another in coming weeks.

So, World of Warcraft? That's an MMO too!

Yes, but no. See, I'm too cheap to bother paying for an overpriced subscription for a game I'm going to get bored of in a week. So I redownloaded the Ascension private server! AND! I'm not really playing it, per se... I discovered that Ascension has other game modes including your basic hardcore mode, and so, that's what I've set out to do.

Play free, better, "Classless" World of Warcraft until my character dies! 😁


I can't trade with people, group up with people, send mail, or even use the auction house. Considering about 80% of my gameplay in MMOs is the great Auction House... welp! Guess I'm restricted to focusing on levelling this character and keeping it alive!


It took me over half an hour of staring at this screen until I decided what I actually wanted to do. There's so much choice and unless you have a faint idea of the kind of character you'd like to make, you're going to be in for a difficult time.

I had no idea what I wanted to make.

At first I thought a great warrior with some healing abilities and some faint magic... so a paladin, but better, because paladins are boring and I've never been able to drag myself through the pain of playing one in the proper game.

Then I thought perhaps I'd like some sort of rogue hybrid.

But at last I settled with magic, magic, magic.

I'm going a fire mage, with some fiery warlock abilities, some fiery shaman abilities, alongside some healing and defensives. Depending on how many ability points I end up getting anyway. FIRE!! 🔥


The last time I played Ascension was a couple of years ago when @thegoliath first introduced me to it. And already I have to say that things seem so much different now compared to back then!

Back then I hardly saw another soul, the game was empty, and being an auction house trader I didn't see the point in really playing if there were no other people. I don't believe these game mode challenges like Iron Man and such were in it back then either. Neither was there a PvP justice system with same faction fighting.

Or maybe there was and I just didn't really notice.

Either way, this private server seems to have really grown! It's filled with people and things to do, and I'm rather amazed that it's come this far from the emptiness that I remember.


I also found, on my way to the illustrious Barrens, this nifty chestpiece that is just perfect for my fiery wizard! A pity it has agility on it, but I'm using it anyway! 😄

I alsoooo noticed that if you flag yourself for pvp, only people around a similar level to you can actually attack you........ THEY NEED TO IMPLEMENT THAT IN ALL GAMES THAT HAVE PVP!!!! OMG!!!!! -- High levels ganking and annoying low levels is the sole thing that turns me off open world pvp. Ugh.

Anyway, let's see how long this manages to hold my attention. 😅 I just want New World to be released and nothing else is interesting.

If you, too, are interested in Ascension -- you can find it, make an account, download it, and play it at the following link: https://ascension.gg/

It's much more fun than retail WoW, and free too! 😉


Until next time!



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci, and are from the game: World of Warcraft, the Ascension Private Server.

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