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Progressing through Pumpkin Days


Yesterday I started playing a little farm sim called Pumpkin Days!

Today, my character continues her journey. 🌷


Until you can craft your own tools, you need to rely on the blacksmith to buy them -- turns out that all of the vendors in this game have a random inventory each day so, for example, some days he might sell a pickaxe, other days he may not.

Within a day or two of my person first making her home in Pumpkinvale, a crazed miner-man gave her a quest to rescue his glorious pickaxe from a cave-in in the mines. In order to do that, I needed the blacksmith to sell me a pickaxe so I could break through a giant boulder and even enter the mines.

At last, one day he sold a pickaxe and I quickly spent all of my money on it so I could go digging!


It took a few days of chipping away at the boulder due to stamina-restraints and not yet being able to cook food or have enough money to buy food, but at last I broke through and entered the mines.

I was a bit worried at first about getting lost in the mines, but turns out there's a button you can press at the top right of the screen to exit no matter how deep you go. That's handy!


So after gathering a bunch of ore, salt, and some mushrooms hidden deep within the cave, I had barely any inventory space left! So investigated, hopping shop to shop, to find out who sells backpacks.

Found him! The same guy who upgrades my property also sells the backpacks. Too bad it's expensive as hell and I won't be able to get more inventory space for a little while. Need to make more moneh!

Buying storage trunks from the furniture shop is also quite pricey, so for the time being I'm going to have to juggle this small inventory.


As I was rummaging through flowers, trying to find a few to pick to sell for a small amount of money... my lady got bitten by a black widow spider and found herself waking up the next day in hospital. The greedy doctor stole 10% of her money as a result.

Bastard. 🤣

Because my lady woke up the next day in hospital, I completely forgot that there was supposed to be a festival on the 12th of the month and missed out. 🙁 Guess I'll have to wait til next Spring to see what the Spring Festival is all about.


At last I had enough money to pay off my initial debt!

It cost me $1000 moneys to pay the farm back, and now I am debt-free and can begin work on expansion when I see fit. Which won't be for a little while, because I want to buy other things! 🤑


Then one day my lady woke up to a pleasant surprise. The Spring Festival was actually on the 14th, not the 12th!

There were stalls with plenty of goods to buy -- unfortunately, unlike the actual clothing store, you couldn't see what you were getting yourself into. I bought this "rose dress" because I thought it sounded nice, but it sounded nicer than it actually looks. 😅

I had to wait a few in-game hours for the main event to start... the cooking competition!


I got told to have enough inventory space because I would get to keep whatever I cooked, that was always going to be an issue. xD I have no where to store things just yet! So I hoped that what I had available was enough and got to cooking.

Unfortunately, due to not knowing any recipes, I failed every dish I tried to create and failed the cooking contest xD maybe next cooking contest will be better!


I hate my person's new dress. I didn't want to spend more money on clothes yet, but I had no choice.

Goodbye, money; but at least now my character looks better xD spend money; look better; a lot like real life! Haha.


With my new look sorted, it was time to make some money. So I could buy some more inventory space!! Fishing doesn't really make one rich like it does in other games of this type, so I thought I'd go do a bit of mining and see how well that'd go in the gold making department.


After finding a few gems in the mines, I got this letter from the local home improvements vendor. Apparently if I waste money by selling uncut gems, he'll stock a gemcutter for me to buy so I can polish gemstones and sell them what they're actually worth.

What a rort!

But okay. I guess I can do that. Gotta start somewhere, after all.


I, however, was getting sick of my tiny inventory so I went out and spent -all- of my remaining gold on a storage crate. It cost $1200 and was worth every cent!

Now I'd be able to start hoarding like the pack-rat I am. 😁


With my storage sorted for the time being, I thought I'd investigate what I'd need to start work on some proper home improvements. My person no longer wishes to live in a shack, she wants room for a kitchen! And things!

I need wood planks to build a house. Okay! So I bought a little sawmill station to start crafting the wooden planks, and I'd need $5000 too... which will take a little while until I discover what's worth a lot to sell.

It would be nice if, when you sell things using the sell-box out the front of your property, you'd get a run-down of what sold for how much like what happens in Stardew Valley. At the moment I'm really just guessing what's worth what.


There's so much to do in this that I didn't really progress as much as I thought I would today!

But I did succeed at paying off my initial property loan, going deep enough into the mines to start finding gems, getting some storage, precious storage, and I also discovered that if you eat cake from the bakery you can run super zoomy fast. I also bought some nicer clothes for myself. xD Always a positive.

My next goal is to actually get this house built, get a kitchen installed, and I suppose I'd better work on getting some donations into the museum otherwise the Jounce Corporation will build a factory in 2 in-game years and pollute all the things. 😱

I think if that happened I'd need to start a new game. 😆


Until next time! 😄🌿



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Pumpkin Days.