Mass Effect: Andromeda ~ a screenshot showcase


It's been forever since my last Screenshot Showcase!

The beautiful environments of Mass Effect: Andromeda have called to me and I cannot resist. I have my in-game camera at the ready and I'm prepared to capture and share a whole lot of amazing images with you. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“ท

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

The great thing about Ansel's photo-mode is that it keeps my settings every time I go to take a new screenshot. I've found settings that I like, and I'm grateful I don't have to change them every single time.

For the ones I'm sharing:

  • I have 'Letterbox' mode selected for the cinema effect.
  • 'Night Mode' set at around 60%
  • and 'Brightness/Contrast' set to whatever seems reasonable at the time

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

One of my favourite things about the visual design of this game, is the plants on the Nexus.

On the Citadel and in various other places in the original Mass Effect games, there is potted plant-life... but they're all in ugly crates and boxes! While I do love the games, that was one of the things that bugged me. We're introduced to an advanced galactic society and all you see are crates and boxes everywhere.

I mean, there are still a couple of crates here and there, but it's nicely off-set.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

Today, in-between distractions (i.e., cleaning, cooking, child-rearing, shop-perusing, Hive'ing, repeatedly stopping a cat from climbing the flyscreens, oh, and also nearly chopping my fingertip off whilst dicing onions) my Ryder visited Aya, recruited Jaal the Angaran, and got to work on repairing the technology on Havarl, the fantasy forest planet.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

This is my favourite planet in the game. It's just so pretty.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

On Havarl we discover a few Turians who escaped from their ark, learn that reincarnation is a well-held truth among the Angaran people, and have our first run-ins with a sect of Angaran who are hostile towards aliens and will shoot on sight.

Yay little old Human me!

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

Because I'm trying to eek everything out and not complete things all at once, we go back to Eos for a bit and discover that a fair chunk of the radiation has subsided and there are a few new areas to explore, also some information about the missing Asari ark.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

While we're there, my esteemed team and myself attacked an enemy base that had been revealed by the disappearing radiation and made the planet just a teeny bit safer for the colonists.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

And we also destroyed a giant Tremors worm that decided it would cause havoc. It would cause havoc no more!!

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

Once those couple of threats were dealt with on Eos, the team returned to the ship and set course for the yet unvisited planet of Voeld.

We have the option here to continue the main story and help rescue a renowned person among the Angara, but instead we waltzed past those gearing up for the rescue and headed down to the icy wastes below. Mostly just picked up a couple of waypoints for fast travel to later, when we return to this planet.

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

With a few locations on Voeld set up for fast travel, we returned to the wonderful Fantasy Forest planet and resumed trying to repair the technology there.

I was hopping around from place to place, trying to randomly activate a couple of companion/crew scenes, but all I got was the engineering guy, Gil, wanting to play Poker with me. Where, of course, I used my AI to cheat. Why else have an AI in your brain if you can't used it to cheat at Poker?

Mass Effect Andromeda Screenshot 2022.02.02 -

Next time I open this, I'm hoping to finish up rescuing the Havarl planet from certain doom and destruction, rescue the most renowned of the Angaran people, and anything more than that will be a bonus though I'm hoping to get a little bit more into the Icy Voeld.

Taking advantage of my last week of being able to sit on my butt all day!! ๐Ÿ˜


Until next time! ๐ŸŽฎ



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me @kaelci, and are from the game: Mass Effect Andromeda.

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