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Let's Play: The Tenants!


Kaelci's loving aunt has gifted her a random apartment deep in the city's slums with the order: clean this up, make your tenants happy, and become the greatest landlord this city has ever seen!

At least I think that's her order. Whilst she gifted me the apartment, it's my drunken uncle who is telling me what to do and what's what. AND he's dressed like a Santa Clause. I'm not sure I can trust the words coming from him.


Either way! To prove my worth I dressed up a crappy old trailer home for some rando named Pedro, gave him a cake to make him happy, and pleased with my fortitude my aunt gave me an apartment to work on and to one day become a millionaire with.

Let's go on this journey of landlordship in the game: The Tenants!


Pictured above is my apartment I will be renovating. But first I need to do some odd jobs for people to earn some cash to actually be able to afford the renovation of this place. Thanks, Auntie.

There are three jobs currently available on my phone: create a bedroom, create a kitchen, create a pool table room.

I decide to snag the kitchen job.


I send my creepy Santa Uncle into the property to begin the cleanup before I can start on the kitchen and he rummages through a treasure chest and steals something for me. Good Uncle!


My clients wanted a strange colour scheme of red and green. I guess they, too, were in the Christmas spirit. And I transformed their patchy living area into a fancy kitchen.

I think they were pleased with my work because I actually got paid, woo!

With that finished I gained some skill points. I unlocked a fancy chef so I could cook delicious meals for future tenants I'm fond of, and I made my Creepy Santa Uncle better at repairing things.


With my newfound cash from my Kitchen job I sent my uncle into my aunt's gifted property and made him get to work repairing the pool table and couch to keep for later, and to clean the mess up, because apparently I'm too good to get my hands dirty. Thanks, Uncle Santa!


Soon the above transformed into...


And it was time to start interviewing possible tenants!


The first person who came to look at my newly refurbished apartment was a fast-food worker who enjoyed gaming. She seemed very pleased to see a couch in the apartment!


Since she was so pleased with the couch, I hopped straight into negotiating and tried to exhort a painful amount of money from her. She didn't approve and tried to talk me down to a mere $700. There was no way I was letting this shit-hole go for $700 a month and instead suggested $1700.

That price was more favourable and she accepted. I had my first tenant!


She seemed quite happy chilling in her new bedroom, playing games on her phone, so I started to check my text messages to see what was happening and if there were any more jobs I could do for some quick cash. My new tenant was a game, after all! I needed to get her a cool little computer set up.


Suddenly, my new tenant starts screaming! There are cockroaches in the house, she's horrified, I'm horrified! What do I do!? 😱 I need to look after this lovely lady!


There was only one thing to do: call my Uncle and ask him to help.

Dressed in his Creepy Santa get-up, my uncle went to the house, kicked out the lady for a few minutes, and started eradicating the cockroaches. Soon all was well with the place, the tenant was happy, and I could get on with my grand plan of renovating other peoples houses for cash!


This man wanted a new gamer's bedroom and would pay me extra if I got it done within a week!

Rubbing my hands together gleefully, I snapped up his job and got to work.


Soon he had a room that gamer's could only dream about, complete with giant busty anime woman statue! 😆 Declaring the job complete, the man came home and began to critique my work...


I waited with bated breath for his appraisal of my work, but I had nothing to fear. I had accomplished everything to his specifications and he was in love with my work, and with his new busty anime statue. Of course.

With fresh dollar bills in my pocket, it was time to check in on my tenant to see how she was faring after the Great Cockroach Crisis of Month One.


Turns out she was quite happy now, and instead of paying me for the delightful apartment she was renting off me, she instead rewarded my haste in eradicating her problem with yet another problem. Being late with the rent. Bitch.


To top it all off, after nagging her about the rent and her telling me that she had no money at the moment to pay for the rent, the heating in the apartment suddenly failed and I received a message from her complaining about how cold it was in the apartment.

Still miffed that she hadn't paid the rent, I contemplated telling her to just get a scarf and deal with it. I'll fix the heating when you pay the rent!

In the end though, I'm just beginning my landlord career and I want to make everyone happy. I paid $400 for a professional to go and fix the heating.


The tenant watched as the professional completed his work then sent me a text thanking me.


I responded with a, "Just a friendly reminder.... you still haven't paid the rent this week."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'll pay it right now!" she replied.

Now she was out of debt, the payments were on track, and it was time to find another job to fill up my bank account with even more cash so I could one day own more than one apartment... and preferably out of the slums.


Until next time! 😊



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: The Tenants.