10K Gaming-Music Delegation Giveaway upcoming - UPDATE

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Some news about our upcoming giveaway:

The giveaway will start 17.March.2023 and ends on 16.April.2023.
Winners will be picked on 17.April.2023

You can enter the giveaway between 17.march.2023 and 24.march.2023.

For every hour of watchtime our chanel gets between 17.march.2023 and 24.march.2023 we will add 10 Hivepower to the pool (up to a max of 10k).

So particepade on the giveaway, help us promoting the chanel and with a bit of luck, be one of the winners :-)

To give you more to promote, for the time of the giveaway we will release a new song each week.

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