This Game Is So Good I Bought It Twice!

Hello Gamers! 🥳


If I have a game in mind that has an Addam's Family vibe + survival mode, it would be this game. I never encountered nor Googled this game before until @takuri introduced it to me. What I can remember from the last brain cell memory that I have is, he mentioned it in one of my blogs. I was so committed to a game at that time that I did not even check it, haha. What I envision of the game before was a cannibalism, organ-harvesting game (Well, it was a different game). It is not my taste. It is giving me Jeffrey Dahmer. 🤢

I often check e-shop whenever a batch of Best Deals expires, and another batch of discounted games will pop out. OHHH~ Don't Starve Together is on sale for $1.99. 😍 Woohoo! I purchased the game right away~ I waited for tomorrow to play because my body was so tired, but my brain is jumping in excitement and curiosity. 🥰

First things first. I need to set up the world. The setting is a lot! I just press "okay", just the default because I am that impatient haha. The character I chose was this red-haired girl. It is weird that I was basing my choice on character design rather than abilities. 🤣 And also, you can customize the character.


I usually do not search the game just not to spoil myself. I am so clueless! I kept running around and pressing "A" to pick up grass and twigs. Sometimes fighting a bee.


Here comes the darkness! I have no clue how to make a fire. So, someone or something took advantage of the darkness, and YEP, EZ DED. It was frustrating! I gave up. I searched on Google on how to play this game. There is no way I can survive without tools.



I set up another world and chose the recommended character for beginners which is Wilson. On day 1 alone, I already have an axe. This is to chop down trees to make logs for my fire at night time. I also picked some food like carrots, seeds, flowers (yup), and mushrooms.



Before the clock strikes the black part, I should set up my campfire already because the shadows and elements will kill me. I should have enough logs to keep the fire alive. This is when this game got addicting.🥲🤣 I can also cook my food using the fire which gives me a better increase of my health and belly.


Setting the forest on fire. 😅

Day 2 and 3, I just collected food and resources to make tools and armor. The tools get worn out too, so I should have at least three spares of materials. I follow the road and discovered more animals like raccoons, bees, spiders, and pigs (they are friendly).


On day 4, I already have my straw hat and straw armor. Yippeee~ Not much but it's better than nothing. It is my protection from rain and hard elements.


Okay, Day 6 I DED. Pigs are friendly until you attacc them hahaha! I was too confident. 🤣 But I can always revive myself by just going back to the door portal.


Day 11, My Science Machine! @demotry taught me this haha! I can make more stuff with this machine. But first, I had to look for the golden nugget in boulders. See that skeleton guy? That was me beaten by the black pigs and my fire went out because of the shadow hands. I should always have a backup fire.


It is better to play it with friends!!!

I find it lonesome to play sole on Switch, so I also bought and downloaded the game on Steam. Wow, 38 Pesos only! (0.69 USD). E-shop is a freaking rip-off!!! 🥲😂 HAHA!

I invited Demo and Takuri to play with me. 🥰 They are the pros and I am just the tag-along kitty, hahaha. It was fun playing with you guuuuys!!


Tak's screenshots

Jiji Jiji kill it! 🤣🤣 I like the PANICCED TAKURI.

What am I supposed to do!!! HAHAH It was chaos. 🤣

Everyone is ded. 😆👻

That is it for this blog. I will see you next time!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. Screenshots from Don't Starve Together.

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