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Few had borne witness to the mighty Baakjira before the Chaos Legion arrived. Some believe that the void gates disturbed the polarity of the land and oceans, skewing the gravitational fields; others say it was simply another native of the Splinterlands come to defend their home. One thing is for certain however, when Baakjira breached the surface of the sea and his enormous body crashed back into the water, every man, beast, and invader stopped what they were doing, in complete awe of such a wondrous sight. Hailing from the deepest ocean in all of the World, the Delortane Trench, Baakjira, is one of a few remaining Baleenvast left, a monstrous whale so big that it dwarves everything else native to the Splinterlands, even the largest of dragons. They rarely stray from the safe depths of the Delortane Trench but on rare occasions, fishermen have seen them breach for the mouthful of air that will last them an entire year before they need to breathe again. Ancient maritime folklore says that seeing one of these beasts is supposed to bring you good fortune and bless you for the remainder of your voyage.


How is your card collecting and combining adventure coming along fellow Splinterlanders? I've always wanted to be a whale in Splinterlands and felt if you want to be a whale then you need to have the whale so I'm so glad I now own a MAX-level Baakjira. I'm starting to worry that I won't MAX any of my soulbound reward cards before they go out of print so I'm just focusing on getting guaranteed common cards at the Glint store. Most of my cards at at level 8 so I'm halfway there. I don't care or like the summoner cards so I think I'll just focus on earning Glint for the legendary cards next. Hopefully, I'll draw some gold foil cards that I can convert for more Glint and then more Legendary cards and maybe even save a few.

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The conspiracy theory part of my brain is suspecting that the game doesn't have as many of certain rulesets if it's the week's battle mage strategy challenge because it seems like it never comes even though I'm ready to post about it as soon as the challenge is posted. This week it is strategies for dealing with poisonous gas in the Noxious Fumes ruleset. The best thing to do is of course have a diversity of cards that have immunity and heal so you can use as many of them with maybe a good healer to survive the fumes. Sometimes an enemy can attack so quickly and fiercely that your tank healing, heal, and immunity abilities never even get a chance to be put to use, but using as many immunity cards is my usual go-to strategy.


Today I won mostly because of Baakjira, an awesome Legendary Water Chaos Legion card that is hard to kill in any situation. If maxed out it will have 17 life points because it brings all cards' life up by a point, can self-heal, resist magic, and even slow your enemy down. Now there is weapons training as a skill you can add an attack to Baakjira by putting it next to the right card and it'll be super deadly. It also works well as a wall. If you know they will sneak attack you, then put Baakjira in the rear and give a rear healer if you can to really slow them down or even completely deny their attack.


Check out my battle:


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