🍀Fab IV🍀


The Chaos Realm has preyed upon many a world, opening rifts in time and space to invade the lands and take from its people. When they attacked Praetoria and the Splinterlands, it was first thought that the minions were compelled through the portal for their fear of the dark shade that lurked beyond the gate, the shadowed image of Uul. Eventually though, when the last of the armies stepped through, there came such a prodigious monster that at first, none could believe it was real. A nightmare dragged forth into reality. As it flew through the spinning vortex, the Chaos Dragon let forth a violent shriek, so loud that it was felt in the far reaches of every Splinter. The people of Praetoria fell to their knees, terror taking the strength from their legs and the courage from their hearts. For an army of monsters can be fought, the land defended with righteous fervor. But when even the invading hordes are fleeing before such a beast, what hope can there be? The answer is none when the eater of worlds has arrived, the true devourer of existence. Surely such a thing couldn't be the puppet of Uul? How could anyone command a creature that has flown from one cosmos to another, feeding upon alien planets? But it was his most potent being, one that existed before time had conceived the very gift of life itself.



Hello, fellow battle mage strategists. I made sure all four cards could fly while my opponent only had a single 🐉 flyer in this four-slots-only and earthquake Splinterlands Wild battle that went to the fifth round with just our Chaos Dragon -vs- Chaos Dragon cards going at it shooting heavy magic at each other. My 🐉 may have been a fully max-level card, but my enemy got it there with a martyr card for the same result and the win.


Any Splinterlands card that can fly and do lots of magical damage with blasts will always smash the enemy so the Chaos Dragon is current high-mana META. I haven't noticed how much the blinding ability helps, but scatter-shotting 4 and sometimes two other level-3 magic attacks can hurt your enemy fast. With only four targets, the scattershot would be less effective than if there were five or six targets. These new four and five-slot games are cool. I wonder if we'll see seven, three, two, or one-slot games in the future.


As far as the newer cards, I've failed to pull a Legendary or promo cards so far, but I have a few Epic cards that are helping out. Chaos is still dominating the battles I see. The Modern League earns three times the SPS as a win in the Diamond Wild League. I don't care if I face bots and earn less SPS in the Wild League because it's easy and I get to use my old cards. Rebellion cards won't get super overprinted and dirt cheap like the Chaos run so I'll probably just have mostly a diversity of level-one cards. You can't play in some guild frays if you don't have enough Rebellion cards and you can't use any ghost cards either so I plan to get at least one of every Rebellion card. It's been out a few months and I'm a third of the way there so I should be ready for a Modern change when it comes.


Check out my battle:


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