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My WOO Gif Entry

I saw a WOO Gif Creating opportunity following the WOO community post.
They want us to create a Gif on the ocassion of WOO Land sale
Here is my entry

My idea for the gif

I thought that owning land would be a matter of great pride hence I created this meme
I first followed the tutorial given in the contest post to try and create a gif
However the free version of site would not let me do it as the video clip is long so I used an existing screen recorder program to make my gif
Hope you like my entry @wrestorgonline and @woo-events
The original contest post can be found here

Here are the prizes

1st Place = 40k $WOO + 3 Raffle Tickets

2nd Place = 30k $WOO + 2 Raffle Tickets

3rd Place = 20k $WOO + 1 Raffle Ticket

4th Place = 10k $WOO + 1 Raffle Ticket

5th Place = 5k $WOO

Hope the land sale is a success. As it would bring a boost to the hive gaming economy.