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Stealing The Ammunition Truck. Far Cry 6.

Hi Everyone.

My previous post was about a huge mission to bust a prison and rescue a man named Miguel who is like a son to Cartlos Montero. After that, we came to the camp and celebrated all night. Then in the morning, Philly gave me a new mission. It was to attack a camp and hijack a truck full of weapons and ammunition supplies.

This mission looked pretty simple and I thought I could complete it in no time but in reality, it wasn't enough at all. I was able to kill the soldiers barely and made a run with the truck but they had checkposts in every turn of the road and the soldiers in one of them blasted the truck.

Screenshot (2649).png

So, I had to do the mission again and run the vehicle through forests and caves to avoid encountering them and was finally able to bring the truck back to the camp.

Screenshot (2680).png

I've uploaded the video to my YouTube channel and shared it below from there.

I hope you watched my gameplay and liked it. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Follow my hive profile and subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay tuned for more gameplay.

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