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This Comp Will Make You Platinum in TFT - League of Legends

Hello Hive Gaming followers, I have made a lot of progress playing TFT and I am now platinum. I don't just want to move up the ranks myself, I want to move up with the Hive Gaming community, so now I'm going to share with you the comp that made me Platinum. You may say, how do we know it will make us platinum already? I showed you a proof in my Gold comp, right? Here is the proof that it will make you Platinum:

Today we will be accompanied by Bruno, a little dragon. He came out of the egg I opened 3 days ago. And he's wearing a bow tie 👔. Isn't he cute?

The most important thing you need in this composition is an Assasin emblem. Because the comp we will play is Assasin Olaf carry. You can get it in many ways because you can combine Sparring Gloves and Spatula. You can get Spatula from Augments. Or you can get it from the carousel. I was really lucky in this match and I started with the augment that gives the Assassin emblem. Did you see Bruno in the photo? That's how relieved I am to see this augment.

You need a character to make a temporary assassin until you find Olaf. I chose Twitch here, but you can use Ezreal or Yone. I was really lucky in this game and even found Ornn at level 5. Look at this board. Only Olaf is missing!

The last augment was in this game my favorite augment. Think Fast. I've talked about it before, but let me repeat it. Think Fast gives you unlimited roll chances until the end of that round. You only pay for the characters you buy. So I chose it and I found the characters I was looking for in pretty good numbers. 7 Diana and 5 Olaf. The most important characters you need to find in this comp are Olaf, Diana, Pyke, Talon and other assassins. The most important items you should give to Olaf are Infinity Edge, Rapidfire Cannon and Assasin emblem. You can also give Diana tank items. Sunfire Cape, Frozen Heart, Titan's Resolve etc.

At level 7, the board you need to reach should be like in the photo below. I gave Ornn the B.F Sword by mistake, but I don't need it anyway.
With this board you can get to level 9 just by leveling up. I still recommend you to make Olaf and Diana 3 stars by searching at level 8. Then we will go to level 9.

I got to level 8, made Olaf and Diana 3 stars, put a talon, and as you can see I have 75 HP. I easily win all the matches we play. This friend you see here was a Mage and he is gone. He couldn't even kill one of my champions.

I got to level 9. I found a Pyke and Bingo. That's our comp. 6 Assassins, 4 Bruisers and you can see the other buffs. One of the similar battles. I don't even know what this friend plays, but he has level 2 Idas. Of course it doesn't matter for us. I'm watching as relaxed as Bruno.

And a photo from the last battle. He's playing a nice Shapeshifter comp and he's level 10. He has 2 level Yasuo, he has Shyvana, but that's not enough to beat us. 6 of my 9 champions are alive and his are dead. I can say this is the most powerful comp I have ever played. I mean, think about it, you are level 10, you have 6 Shapeshifters, 3 level Nidalee and so on and dies to one hit of Olaf. You can also look at the damage. Olaf and Diana 😎.

At the end of this game I became Platinum and you have already seen his photo on the cover and at the top of the page. Have you ever played this comp before? What do you think about it? Feel free to ask anything you are curious about in the comments. I enjoy reading and answering them. Thanks for reading. Stay with the game !

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