The Generator Exploded! - Frostpunk Winterfell #5 Final

Hello to all of you, dear Frostpunk followers, I am with you again after a short break. I usually write my articles at night, but right now I am too excited to wait for the night because this will be the last chapter. Yes, you already saw that from the title lol. I wonder if we will be able to save our heroes? Will anything happen to them? Will they die or will they survive? We will find all the answers in this episode! You can click here to read the previous episode.

A short summary for those who haven't read the last chapter. The generator broke down and we fixed it. Other than that, everything in the city is fine, our coal stocks are full, we had no shortage of food, but... The generator broke down again. We have to get out of here because the generator will keep breaking down and each breakdown will be harder to fix than the next. It can also have bad consequences. You will see those consequences in this chapter. We made our first evacuation and sent some people and children to the Dreadnought.

Oh by the way @noomer also joined our adventure. I hope to see you alive at the end of the game my friend! Let's see if we can make it.

One family wants to go to the dreadnought on their own. I have no choice but to stop them because going will only bring them death. They cannot survive on the road alone and it will take them days to walk.

We fixed the generator again, but we found a bitter truth: the range of the heat fields has dropped by 10%. 10% may not sound like a lot, but it means that many buildings may be out of the range of the steam centers and the generator. Opening a new steam center will cost us a lot of coal and we need coal now. Also, the next breakdown will be much harder to fix than this one.

One of the workers came and suggested that we sign a law on the healing house. This is a kind of health center, but the difference is that inside the workers will try to heal people through prayer and faith. It didn't sound realistic, but I realized that workers are working here. Normally engineers work in health centers, and given that I have very few engineers, this healing house could save me from having to employ engineers to heal people.

The engineers came to see us and they want to be evicted. I understand them, but if we send engineers, we cannot fix the generator or do research. That would mean a quick death for all of us. So I'll tell them I need them. Hope will fall, but I have no choice.

I've demolished some of the fighter hangars because we already have too many food supplies. Now our only problem is getting people out of the city safely. So I sent another 50 people out of the city. 40 workers and 10 children. And because I sent at least one worker, I kept my promise.

Yes, people want to go and some people think that I am giving privileges when I evacuate people. All I did was to send children and some workers. I swear I am not favoring anyone hahaha. It was one of the hardest decisions I made in this game. If I let them go, a big group of people will leave the city. If I ask them to stay, people will get hurt and some may even die. Normally I wouldn't let them go but it makes me angry when people insult and mistreat me. Let them go and see if they can survive.

There are so many sick people in our city and the only way to cure them all is to take care of twice as many at the same time. And the only way to do that is to pass a law. The capacity of health buildings should be fully utilized, even if some patients have to stay on the floor.

And the generator failed again. We used it for about two days? Maybe not even that much haha. It's a bit frustrating, but thanks to the research I've done, I'm going to use the emergency repair feature to fix it quickly. It will probably be done before the heat goes out. By the way, last time when I didn't stop people from leaving, 13 engineers left the city and 13 is not a small number. Because if I could have 13 more people working here, everything would have been easier, but those selfish people left the city.

People's hopes are very low and they want to escape. They want to steal food and wood from the city and go to the dreadnought. I don't care about supplies, but I can't afford to divide the city any further. I don't think I can fix the generator again if more engineers leave the city, so this time I used force and 3 people died. None of our Hive friends were among the dead.

I repaired the generator very quickly, but the results are not encouraging. Not only will the generator not be able to heat as much as before, but the area it heats has dropped by another 10%. So it has 20% less range in total.

We've sent the Dreadnought the 5,000 coal she needs, so we can sail at any time now. But I'm not ready for that right now, because we still have a lot of people to save here.

I managed to evacuate many people, almost all of them, from the city. The rest have risen up and want to leave the city. They will take a lot of supplies and leave. I will let them go as I don't need any production in the city right now except steel.

The generator has failed again. Fortunately, this will be the last one because now we will leave the city. I will send the last of the people tomorrow and we will leave. There is nothing I can do. I don't have enough resources and engineers in the city to fix it anyway.

I sent the last people in the city to the dreadnought. I couldn't collect enough steel so I could only build three decks. I think some people will freeze on the way, but there's nothing I can do. If people hadn't complained about working overtime, I could have saved more people, but it's too late now.

The generator's voltage is rising and I won't be able to fix it. It's time to start sailing. Amputees will stay in the city but there is nothing I can do about it. I wish I could save them too, I would really want to.

The game ended with a cinematic of the generator exploding. I saved almost all the people, except for the amputees. You can be sure that I did my best. I thought twice about all my decisions and I think we did a good job. I did some research online and a lot of players didn't save as many people as I did.

So that's the end of another scenario, thank you very much for reading. Thank you my friends @queenstarr, @technicalside, @bong1011, @frankevor, @hrichakar, @pravesh0 and @noomer for accompanying me in this series. I managed to keep you all alive! I don't know what to play or do for the next series, we'll see together. Take care of the cold and have a great day!

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