The Best Game You Can Play in Winter! - Frostpunk

Hello all of you Hive Gaming readers, today I'm going to introduce you to a game I haven't seen since I joined this community. I love this game so much that I can call it the best game I've played in recent years. I have 58 hours of playtime on Steam right now, and if I replay all the scenarios, I'll probably reach 100 hours. I'm thinking about doing that too. Anyway, I won't drag out the introduction any longer. The game I want to tell you about is Frostpunk.

Frostpunk is an original game I've never seen before. The story of the game is incredibly beautiful and it grabbed me from the first sight. The story starts like this, in the old very cold years, our people are trying to escape from the freezing city and build a colony around a generator. Calling it a city would be too optimistic because we only build what we need to survive. The game has an incredibly beautiful intro. I'll put it here, it's only 2 minutes, please watch it.

After this intro we start the game and all we have is a very small amount of resources. We have nothing else. When we start the game, there are only 80 of us who come here and 15 of them are children. Why I mention children separately is because they are not working yet. Why I say yet because you will find out later hahaha. And you can see at the bottom right it says 65/80. And that's because those 15 children are not suitable to work.

We can change the perspective of this colony we are in by pressing Q and E on the keyboard. We can move it with the right mouse button and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. There are some resources around ready to collect. These are coal, wood and steel. On the bottom right you can see that workers are available. If you click on +1 you get 1 worker and if you click on max you fill the place with workers. Each pile or workplace has its own worker capacity. When you start the game, it is important to scan around and check which resources are where. You can shape your settlement according to that.

As soon as I started the game, I sent workers to all the resource points I saw and started working them all. Because survival is a serious business, my friends, you all have to work! As you can see, I don't have any idle workers on the bottom right. You can also see the efficiency of the work in this screenshot. This can change for many reasons. You will see this in the future. Sometimes workers are eating or sick.

If you zoom in and click on a person, you can get very detailed information about them. Name, where he/she lives, where he/she works, whether he/she has a family or not, what his/her biggest problem is, etc. There is a good point here that you can change people's names. Not in this scenario, but I'm thinking of using people's usernames through Hive when I play the next scenario. If you want me to use yours, you can write something about it in the comments and I will use it.

Here is our generator! The heart of our city and our heat source. You can make all the adjustments to the generator by clicking on it. You can turn it on and off, increase its heating range, change its power and there is an overload mode. God, you didn't expect this game to be so detailed, did you?

When there's a problem in the game, I mean when your people have a problem, there's this kind of black box that shows up and it means that you're at a decision point. You're going to make a decision that will change the direction of the game.

The decision I have to make at this point is to find a solution to the worker problem. Because all the workers are working and we need more workers and the suggestion that people have is to employ children.

At this point you can sign a law about it from the book of laws or you can say that you don't want to change it for now. Yes, that's right, we have our own laws and we can change them! Once you sign a law, you can't sign a new one until a certain period of time has passed so that things don't get ridiculous. I am not going to sign a law on this for now.

But I will sign a law about something else, and that's food. At the beginning of the game, you get 4 food shares from 2 raw foods. With the law I'm signing now, I can increase that to 5. If we want to survive, we shouldn't worry about eating soup, my dear people. By the way, there are some red and blue letters on the bottom right. Yes, you sign a law, but it has a consequence, people don't want to eat soup every day, so their hopes are diminishing and discontent is increasing. And as soon as you activate this option in the cafeteria, the discontent increases even more.

So what is hope and discontent and why is it important? If people's hope decreases, they cause problems in the city and if discontent increases, they go on strike. So you always want to keep them happy. Remember that the decisions you make are always very important. The blue bar at the bottom shows hope and the red bar above it shows discontent.

On the first day I had people collect resources and with the resources they collected I built them some houses and a mess hall and a hunting lodge to get raw food. You can see that the things I built changed the hope.

I don't want this chapter to be longer so I'll end it here. In the next chapter I'll talk about a lot of more exciting things, like exploration. I hope you liked the post. Have you played Frostpunk before? Did you like the game? Don't forget to mention them in the comments. Have a great day!

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