Londoners Killing Our People 😡 - Frostpunk #4

Hello Hive Gaming readers, I am with you in the new episode of Frostpunk on a cold fall evening. The weather was fine in my city until yesterday, but now it is quite cold. I hope you missed the series. Without wasting time, let's make a short summary and start the new episode.

In the previous episode, unfortunately one of our people committed suicide. We found an automaton and started to operate it. The weather got colder and we are doing technological research to replace tents with huts. If you want to read the other chapters, I will leave the list of chapters and links at the end of my post.

In the previous chapter I mentioned that people wanted to go to London and I also said that I chose the order to give them a purpose. For this we built 2 watchtowers and this will help us to keep people under control. So at least I hope so, and on top of that I signed a law to have a morning meeting. He said that morning meetings give a little bit of hope and that's something we need.

I'm trying to do everything I can to give people hope, and this is one of them. After one of our people died last episode, I had to build a cemetery or leave the bodies to rot in the cold. I chose the cemetery because it raises morale, and I didn't feel comfortable with the other.

In order to be able to explore more places, I created the 2nd reconnaissance team (of course I did some research for that) and immediately sent it to the other side of the map. I don't know how much I mentioned reconnaissance before, but it is very important. It helps you find resources and you also find people to grow your colony. That's not always good, by the way, because the more people, the more it costs.

These fucking assholes (Londoners) are trying to get people to give speeches to recruit members. I don't have a guard base or anything so I can't disperse them and I have to let them talk. 7 people is really too many. If I don't change this situation now, 25 people will leave my colony.

I did the research I needed to do to research the next level of technology, which sounds funny, but I really did. Then I did the research to make my scouts faster, because the faster they move, the more resources we can find.

WTF? What are you doing? How dare you beat up my scouts? I need to do something about this right now and I'm going to build a guard base as soon as possible. These idiots are starting to annoy me and I can't keep their numbers down.

I don't want to call my people fools, but I needed to build a guard base to fight these fools and I have passed the necessary law. People close to this base will have more hope and less unrest. I'll also be able to deal with the people who are rioting. There will be a little more unrest in return, but I don't think it will be any worse than it is now. The number of Londoners is already 37.

Because I need manpower so much, I have researched a technology that requires less manpower in the hunting lodges. I have so much research to do. But above all, it requires resources, and what I need most is steel. I have started the research to convert my steel mills into steam steel mills, basically to produce more steel.

They played their last joke before I built the guard base. I'm trying to keep everybody alive and they're stealing food from me. Not even from me, they're stealing their own food.

Just look at the dramatic change that happened because I promised to keep people's homes warm and I failed to keep that promise. Hope is almost zero and unrest is at its highest level. I really don't know what to do from here.

I signed a law called Patrol and it's a gift. Every time I use it, the restlessness will decrease and hope will increase. I can't wait to use it right away lol. The cost is 10 food rations but considering my current situation it is something I can afford.

Londoners are trying to make a speech to increase their numbers. Sorry dude, you may get hurt but I will not allow you to disturb the public peace any further. By the way I have replaced all the tents with sheds and people will now live in warmer houses.

The Londoners killed a guard because he stopped them stealing supplies. This is really starting to get on my nerves. I am trying to do something for the good of my people, but they are disturbing the peace and getting in my way. I wish the days would pass quickly and they would go away!

Episode 1The Best Game You Can Play in Winter! - Frostpunk
Episode 2Kids Has to Work! - Frostpunk #2
Episode 3We Find an Automaton! - Frostpunk #3

I will end this chapter here because everything is bad right now. Will we ever recover from this? I don't know, but I will do my best, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I wish you all a great day and as I said, I'll leave the list of old chapters above and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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