LEE SIN CARRY! TFT - League Of Legends

Hello to all of you dear Hive Gaming readers, as you know, I started playing on the LAN server last time. One game I came 3rd and the next game was a nightmare for me and I finished 6th. But I didn't give up and I had a great game right after. I want to share this game with you.


I found 3 Sett from the minion rounds and made him 2 stars, which is actually a good start. Then the minions gave me Lee Sin and Diana. You can see Lee Sin in the bottom left under the augment. I didn't sell them because with a good augment both champions can go into the carrier role. The augment I found here was definitely the one I wanted, Jeweled Lotus. This augment allows your abilities to deal critical damage. It's like giving all your champions the Jeweled Gauntlet item. Of course, when I chose this augment, it was like I automatically chose to play Lee Sin.

The early game wasn't too good or too bad for me. This is because I couldn't give Lee Sin an item. After picking the Jeweled Lotus augment, the most important item I needed was Infinity Edge, for which I needed a B.F. Sword, but I couldn't find it. For the 2nd augment pick, Pandora's Items augment is one of the best augments for me. Because this augment allows your items on the sidelines to change every turn. Isn't that great for making the items you want?

I lost a few rounds in a row, but then I finally gave the items I wanted to Lee Sin and got Volibear, which allowed me to activate 4 Dragonmancer buffs. When the Dragonmancer buff is activated briefly, it gives you an item like you can see on the bottom left. With this item, you bless one of your champions and that champion has more ability power and health. Lee Sin's best items are Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice. If you don't have the first augment I chose, you should choose Jeweled Gauntlet instead of Hand of Justice. This way, Lee Sin can crit with all his ultis and doesn't die thanks to Bloodthirster. Only 1 star and look at this damage!

Here is another augment choice. The leftmost option here is also very good because it transfers 66% of the stats of the champion you're blessing to the nearest Dragonmancer champion. But even better is Eye of The Storm. This augment allows the champion in the center of the board to gain 45 ability power, which increases to 135 after the lightning from the Tempest buff explodes. So this is an incredible ability power addition. In previous posts I've always mentioned that it's important to have multiple carries, but here you win if only one of your carries is too strong to be killed. Moreover, if this champion can kill all other champions with a single skill.

Unexpectedly, I found Yasuo with a 1% chance and activated 6 Dragonmancer buffs. Now the champion I blessed gains 50% ability power and 750 health. In addition, for each champion's star level, it increases by another 20%. So everything on my board right now is to make Lee Sin more powerful. But he is paying for it. I still haven't made 2 stars, but one star Lee Sin dealt 7700 damage!

1791 damage with one kick? I've never seen anyone kick that good in my life, have you? 🤣

After losing 1 battle against this opponent by chance, I defeated and eliminated my opponent with the exact same champions. Yes, my opponent's composition was also very strong, but a few weeks ago hahaha. He paid the price for not following the patch notes. Maybe he knew he was weakened but still thought he could win, I don't know. But he's too weak to stand in front of my excellent Lee Sin.

I got to level 9 and found an Ao Shin. I wish I could have activated the 6 Tempest buff but it stayed at 5. I couldn't replace the champion because I didn't have enough gold, but what you should do is replace Qiyana with a functional champion. This could be Soraka or Bard.

I ended up with this opponent playing Xayah composition and surprisingly he beat me in one round. Even though TFT is a strategy game, sometimes luck comes into play and you can lose fights that you could have won.

I lost the previous fight and I won this one with 4 of my champions alive and I didn't move anything. I think Lee Sin had the better kicks 🤣. But I still couldn't kill my opponent and the game went another round.

Before the last battle I also made my Ao Shin a 2 star and now he had no chance. That's what I thought.

And it happened as I thought and Lee Sin and Ao Shin helped me win the last fight. Not to mention Yasuo's help. This was my first win on the LAN server on Set 7.5.

It was a really tough game but consider this. Lee Sin was only 2 stars. Imagine if he was 3 stars. I can't even imagine what he can do, I wish I could.

Here are the rankings:

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. If you are also playing TFT, you can try this composition. It is simple and powerful. I wish you all a great day.

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