Gunner & Assassin Graves Carry! TFT - League of Legends

Hello friends, I continue my TFT adventure from where I left off and I will prepare great guides for you. In the coming days, I will tell you how you should play in the early game. Because the way to win in this game is through the early game. You can follow me not to miss that post. Now let's move on to our game!


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You can watch the gameplay here:

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Since the new universes have arrived, I've been trying to choose them and we will play this game in Rat Town. In this universe, we will see lucky shops once in each stage. In this shop there will be champions from our board or champions compatible with them. I don't think this works exactly right but whatever XD
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I've always wanted to try Assassins but I didn't know how to play it. I got some ideas from a few videos I watched online, but I always like to play my own way. When I start with the Caitlyn legendary, I can choose Stars are Born as a gold augment, which makes the first 1 and 2 gold champions I buy become 2 stars. I also get 6 gold. This augment is a godsend for reroll compositions where you can make 1 and 2 star champions 3 stars. People don't like it very much, but I love it.
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I didn't start this game on a winning streak, but at least I was able to go on a losing streak and I did it without losing too many HP. I think this composition is not very strong in the early game. As you can see, 2 star Graves doesn't deal enough damage at all.
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If you know me, you know that I try to get the strongest version of every composition. That's why I chose Gunner Heart here too and my goal was to activate the 6 Gunner trait. This way Graves would gain a lot of AD with every attack.
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I did a deep search and made Graves and Qiyana 3 stars. If I hadn't done that I would have lost all the fights heavily, so it felt like a must. Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky and wasted a lot of gold but there is nothing I can do about it.
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After becoming a 3 star, Graves won me all the fights and he looked strong but definitely not overpowered. I gave him Bloodthirster, Sterak's Gage and Night Harvester and I expected him to do a lot of damage but he was below my expectations. I hope this is because I haven't activated the 4 Assasin traits yet. Otherwise I don't think it will carry me through the late game. By the way, you can also choose Titan's Resolve instead of Night Harvester. I just didn't want to wait any longer because I lost in a row, that's all.
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I think I made a mistake in choosing the last augment. Yes, I wanted to make Katarina and Ekko 3 stars, but did it make sense to choose Rolling For Days II just for that? It only gave me 15 free shop replacements. Think of it like 30 gold. I think it would have been better if I chose something that would strengthen me in fights instead.
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I lost a fight after a long time and guess who against XD This gambler! I'm trying hard not to play this composition all the time, it's really powerful. Twisted Fate 3 stars does so much damage I can't believe it.
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At level 7 I activated 4 Assassins and 4 Gunners, but for some reason I couldn't make Katarina and Ekko 3 stars. Ekko didn't even get 2 stars, which I think is ridiculous. This unfortunately caused me to not get strong enough in fights. My opponents like that easily beat me because they made the champions they wanted 3 stars.
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By the way, you can use all champions in this composition as a carrier. I tried to do that but I didn't have enough items. Ekko, Katarina, Qiyana, Jinx and Jayce can all be used as a carrier. You can give Qiyana the same items you give Graves. Ekko and Katarina also work well with all ability power items.
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Even though I beat my other opponents, in the end this Multicaster composition destroyed me and I finished 3rd. I already showed you how powerful it is in my previous TFT post. I think it should have been nerfed, but it was made stronger under the name of "balancing".

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Thank you very much for reading, I hope you liked it. Don't forget to share your questions about the composition or the game in the comments. Take care and have a great day gamers!

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