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FINALLY I AM MASTER! TFT - League Of Legends


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I've been playing TFT for years, regularly since Set 3 and this is the 2nd time I made it to Master. The first time was at Set 5.5 and it's been almost a year. I am very excited and happy right now. My next goal is to become a Grandmaster or Challenger. We will see if I can do it, but it will be very difficult for sure. Even to become a Master, I went up to 90 Lp 3-4 times and fell back, but the good news is that you cannot fall from Master. I will be Master by the end of the set and that's pretty cool. We recorded the video with @ikasumanera, he was playing tft with me. Thank you to him for playing with me.

I should warn you in advance that some parts of the video have sound distortions. I tried hard to fix it but I couldn't. I hope it won't bother you too much. I think Discord is the cause of this. Anyway, let's move on to this great game!

This amazing dragon hatched from an egg the other day and it is the most beautiful little legend on my account. It's pink and when it blows, it blows pink flames.

I had to take a risk to become a Master in this game. It would have been a safe choice to get Tiny Titans for the Augment choice, but I took a risk and got AFK. The special feature of this augment is that you cannot do anything for 3 turns. You cannot move your champion, you cannot give items, you cannot buy or sell champions. You cannot even see the shop. In return you get 20 gold. My board was also quite strong and I knew this wouldn't be a big problem.

Thanks to this augment I had 40 gold in 2-5 and 50 gold in 2-6 and I was level 5. Economy is very important in this game and thanks to this augment you can have an incredible economy, I don't know if there has ever been a game where I had 50 gold in 2-6 and I was level 5. This might be a record for me.

I beat @ikasumanera in my first match and that was important for me because I had spent some money and I wanted to start a winning streak. Sorry for the beating though man 😅.

To keep my winning streak going I leveled up to level 7 after a few rounds and I searched a little bit and found Sylas. Sylas is a very important champion here. He both unlocks the Bruiser buff with Illaoi and allows you to become a 5 Mage. At level 7, if you don't have a mage emblem or something, this is the ideal board to reach. Vladimir, Heimerdinger, Nami, Lulu, Sylas, Ryze, Illaoi. And these 7 champions unlock 5 Mage, 2 Bruiser, 3 Astral, 2 Mystic, 2 Trainer and 1 Guild buff. This is a perfect match.

The last augment sounded pretty good and I didn't hesitate to buy it. Axiom Arc II gives you 30 Mana when you kill a unit. I had in mind to play Aurelion Sol. With this augment, Aurelion Sol could kill all opponents alone by constantly ulting.

In the other match against Ika, I was on a 7 game winning streak and I didn't want to lose. He pushed me hard but I barely won. His team was also very strong and his augments were good. I thought we would both finish in a good position.

I got to level 8, I made Illaoi and Vladimir 3 stars, Sylas 2 stars, I didn't think anyone could beat me but this Anivia carrier made me fry. You can see it in the photo.

This defeat made me a little angry and I found what I was looking for, the apple of my eye, Aurelion Sol. It took me about 2 seconds to sell Ryze. There is such a difference in power between them that you will see it now.

Look at the damage he deals in the first battle! It's unbelievable! And he doesn't even have his 3rd item yet. For the 3rd item, I needed to give him a nice damage item. In fact, he didn't even need Shojin because he regenerates 30 mana for every enemy he kills!

Another example of the damage he deals! Unfortunately he did this damage against my buddy ika and I almost killed him. I feel terrible when I kill the person I'm playing with, luckily it didn't happen this time. But unfortunately this is the last time we'll see ikasumanera 😶.

I found the item I was looking for from the creature in 5-7, the Jeweled Gauntlet. Thanks to this item, your champion's spells can be critiqued, how can an already super powerful Aurelion Sol become even more powerful. By dealing 2x the damage!

I got to level 9 and luckily I found 2 A. Sols in 2 rolls, but I had no money and I had to make a decision. Yes! I sold Ryze and made Aurelion Sol 2 stars, and to be honest, this decision wasn't hard for me at all. You'll agree with me when you see what he's about to do.

Can you look at this screen and tell me why I shouldn't have sold Ryze? Of course not. 16500 damage! Not to mention the beauty of the image. You're gonna love these tones, @ezgicop 😍.

The next turn I found the best champion I could find, Zoe, and that was it. In my opinion, there was no way I could lose after that, but @ikasumanera said that the opponent should never give up. Let's see if he was right.

Oh my god look at the damage! 1500 at once and 23000 for the whole fight? Nami hit 2500 and it's not even visible. After this battle he had 10 lives left and needed one last touch to die.

The last fight was carried by the dragon whose silhouette you can see. I was so excited when I saw this screen. I was finally going to become a Master and everyone was going to witness it! There was a problem here and I don't know why, my computer saved discord instead of Lol. So I won't be able to show you that beautiful transition screen 😓.

But here is the proof that I am a master. It looks so beautiful! This might be my last TFT post. I might take a break from the game and what can I post after that anyway? Maybe a post showing that I'm a Grandmaster, but that's a long way off. I am very happy that I reached my goal for Set 7.

I paid more attention to this post than any other TFT post because it is special for me. Thank you very, very much for reading. You can ask anything you want to ask in the comments. I will vote 100% for all comments below this post! I hope you liked it, have a good day.

If you want to watch this game as a video you can click here

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