Easiest Game I've Ever Played - League of Legends

Hello everyone, I'm having a good time in League of Legends and I can't wait to share it with you. Especially the match I'm sharing right now will surprise you. I'm living the dream of many of you.


You can watch the video of this game here. Unfortunately I won't have a commentary because my parents were sleeping inside XD

When I play League of Legends, especially nowadays, I'm trying so hard to win and I'm playing against terrible teams, but this game has been a turning point for me. I was dancing around the game, oblivious to everything. Normally I don't play a lot of top lane games. Especially tank champions, but I wanted to make a difference and play Sion. I was expecting Rengar or Mordekaiser, and since I don't play these matchups much, I didn't know the consequences.

The game started and I started killing minions, expecting Rengar to jump out of the bush or Mordekaiser to come from somewhere, but it never happened. Interestingly, I continued to play alone and after a while I realized that the opposing team had two Junglers haha. For some reason no one dared to come against me. No one from my teammates was asking for help either. So there was no problem, I just went on destroying the tower.

Of course, after destroying the first tower I helped my team a little bit, I was with them in the battles and we killed a few people together, but then I thought it would be much more useful for me to create pressure in the top lane.

Sometimes Aphelios came across me in the top lane haha. It was a piece of cake for me to beat him. Yes, you can see in the video that he killed me once, but it was a mistake and I didn't really care since we were going to win the game anyway. I killed him without even using my ultimate and he realized he couldn't escape so he gave up and waited for his death.

I definitely have Vayne to thank. He played great in the team fights. I came here and helped them, but they would have won even if I hadn't. I can only say I made it easier for them. That's usually the goal when you play a tank champion, to make your ADC's job easier.

I love using Sion's ultimate, your opponent is trying to kill you and you just run away like a train haha.

That was the most epic moment in the game. We had a great team fight. First I stunned the opponents with my ultimate, then Malphite stunned them with his ultimate, and finally we stunned them once again with my Q haha. They all died without even moving. It might be one of the best combos in my League of Legends history.

They couldn't take it anymore and gave up. My favorite screen is ZAFER! Zafer is also a male name in Turkey, so when we don't win a game for a long time, we make jokes like "Who was Zafer?" haha.

This is the damage graph, as you can see, I didn't actually do anything, but that's how it feels to me. Because I usually have to make a lot of effort to win games.

And that's it! You have read the eaisest and most effortless game I won this year. I hope you enjoyed it. Have you ever played games like this? Where you win without doing anything? I'm talking about games where your team does everything for you. If you have any, be sure to mention them in the comments. Have a great day.

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