Dominating Bot Lane with Lux Support! - League of Legends

Hello to all of you, I'll continue to share games with you. After changing my nickname, I enjoy playing games more. Even during the game, people ask what my nickname means. I tell them briefly about the platform. Sometimes I tell them that I record videos in games. They ask me if it's for Youtube and I say no, Youtube is for losers, I record my videos for Hive haha. After that I'm sure they go and check what Hive is. So far no one has added me and asked me seriously but that doesn't mean it won't happen soon. Anyway, let's move on to the game.


Here is the video of the game but unfortunately without commentary. The next League of Legends video will be with commentary. You can be sure of that.

Incublus Hive is here! I featured this skin in my previous unboxing video and I couldn't wait to try it out, so why not share it? Honestly, this isn't my first time playing with this skin. In League of Legends, sometimes your games suck. Sometimes you play badly and sometimes your team sucks. Of course I don't share these videos.

I was playing Lux and the ADC next to me was playing Caitlyn. Lux and Caitlyn are a pretty good duo but our opponent had Ziggs and Ashe. They are better than us in terms of poke and after level 6 they are more likely to kill us than we are to kill them. We were having a very tough early game, luckily Yone came to our aid and I supported him by shielding, so we got 2 kills and got a good start.

The game was generally going the way we wanted. Even if Yone didn't kill many minions, his score was good and we were ahead in the overall score. This put pressure on the opposing team and they tried to kill us. We overdid the battle a little too much and we killed them. I killed 2 opponents but Caitlyn also died. This was a bit bad, but in the end we still have the advantage. Because in the early game I can do much more damage than Caitlyn. It's not bad that I keep the kills.

After 1 minute what I was talking about happened. With my one combo and a little help from Caitlyn, I destroyed Ziggs. The chances of dodging the abilities you use from places the enemy can't see are very low. Take advantage of this.

We played the early game pretty well, me and Caitlyn died very little and made our opponents suffer. In the transition to the midgame, I wandered around the map and died due to a mistake. Remember, when playing supports like Lux, your damage is very high but you are also very fragile. The slightest mistake and the opponent Jungle can kill you. It doesn't need to be very powerful.

After killing the opposing team, we got the baron really early. Baron is like a key in League of Legends. Usually, when you get a baron, it is easier to win games. You can do sieges more easily and for those who don't know, it also makes you stronger. You can check it in the video. I had 210 ability power before I got the baron and 238 after I got it. 28 ability power changes a lot.

We did everything we wanted in the midgame too. We dominated the dragons, got the Baron and continued slaughtering the enemy. In this photo you can see how desperate Irelia was. Yes, she will probably kill me when she catches me alone, but I have the advantage now haha.

All we had to do now was to fight and end the game. We were ready for the final battle as a team but they were not. We killed a few of them in separate places and surrounded their bases. Then we simply ended the game. If it had lasted a few more seconds I could have done a lot more damage. Here you can see that I was about to do my combo on Ashe and Irelia at the end of the game haha.

I love seeing this text. VICTORY!

As for my general thoughts about the costume, I think it's quite nice. I can say that it is one of the 5 most beautiful costumes of Lux. Some champions don't even have 5 skins while Lux has a lot of skins, so one of the top 5 best skins is pretty good haha.

Thank you very much for reading. Which lane do you play the most in League of Legends? Which is your favorite skin? I can share more games and other posts with you these days. Even if I don't have stock videos, I have better internet and more free time than before. Anyway, I won't make this any longer. Take care and have a great day!

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