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Carrier of Stony Roads! TFT - League of Legends

Hello dear Hive Gaming readers, I continue to do what I love most on Hive, playing games and sharing them with my followers. Lately I have been playing TFT, I mentioned in my previous post that there is an event going on, it will be over soon and I need to make sure I get all the rewards before it's over so that my post about the event will be more perfect haha. Anyway now I will bring you a real meta composition but in incublus style. Because I don't know how other people play this composition.


I had no idea what to play when I started the game and these new hero augments are not helping me at all. Still, this augment of Lulu seemed to make sense at the beginning of the game. Because I already had 2 Gadgeteen champions and Lulu was going to be the 3rd. If you put 3 Gadgeteen champions on the board, they generate a random item for you. These items are slightly enhanced versions of normal items. At the end of each round this item changes. So you can use a buffed Spear of Shojin the previous round and a buffed Warmog's Armor the next round. This is completely random and depends on your luck.

I used Lux in the early game to carry Taliyah items because it's easier to find, but you can also use Sona instead. It's better for damage and you won't have to worry about finding a spare Lux lol. By the way I lost a lot in the first 5 rounds and this was my first win after them. Because everyone knows the game pretty well haha.

Lux is a pretty strong champion and she carried me pretty well after I made her 2 stars. I even beat someone with a 3 star champion here. Ability power items will all be good but your priority should be Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet and Hextech Gunblade. These items are Taliyah's best items.

I want to give you a tip about the current patch of Set 8. Never try to get to level 8 without spending your gold. Because everyone is playing reroll compositions. So they spend their gold early and try to get stronger, and when you don't spend your gold, you can have an absolutely terrible game and suddenly you can go from 1st to last. Everything happens very fast haha.

The next turn I got destroyed by this Gangplank composition even though I spent my gold. At that time I didn't know what this composition was and how to play it. If you see an augment related to Gangplank, get it and play it. With 2 items he destroyed my whole board.

Still I have to admit that 1 star Taliyah is quite powerful. Nobody could ever beat me except that Gankplank composition and everything was so easy. Moreover, like I said I can't say I know the composition completely, this is a composition I made up according to my thoughts lol.

Speaking of champions, I used Taliyah, Sona, Janna and Annie for the 4 Spellslingers. Annie, Lulu and Poppy are the champions I used for the Gadgedeteen buff. Annie, Rell, Poppy and Ekko are also my tanks. Look how many buffs I have. I didn't expect this much, when the Starguard buff is on, champions with this trait regenerate more mana. Don't forget that too.

In the end I made Taliyah a 2 star and managed to beat the Gangplank composition once by chance. I say by chance because she beat me the next round and I came 2nd. Taliyah's damage is really incredible. If I didn't have such a strong opponent or if I knew the game a little bit better, I think I could definitely be 1st.

As for my thoughts on this composition, I think it is quite strong. It's easy to play and you can use pretty good carries until you find Taliyah. For example Sona or Lux. You can play this composition in every game. So you might need special addons to play some compositions, but this is not one of them. Also if you want to know more about the composition you can visit this website. They also show meta compositions. I think it's a great feature.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to follow me for more gaming content. Feel free to leave your thoughts on this post or any of my posts in the comments. Have a great day.

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