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Rocket League Hit Us With The Bomb! | New RL Season Overview

The Heat Was Dropped

Rocket league released the new season this past week and it was a bomb for the community. Gameplay patches, along with tons of cosmetics were introduced into the game and may I say I am excited!


Gameplay Adjustments and Patches

To begin, we'll go over the patches and gameplay tweaks, as they are pretty useful and help reduce tons of the problems rocket league players would have.

• Season tournaments are back, and coming in hot with different modes instead of the usual 3V3 Standard. This helps expand playability with skill if you are better at extra modes.
• In tournaments, extra mode tournaments will not alter rank but will still produce credits for cosmetics.
• One can now see tournament rank in the menu, which was not available the previous 3 seasons.

• A soft reset has been applied, meaning you do not start rank at zero like before.

• In casual matches, a concede button is found to end the game if voted upon.
• Players that leave mid game will be punished from now on, going from 1-24 hours.
• If there is a 3-point lead, no new players will fill spot on team mid-game.


Here comes the fun part! personally, the new addition to cosmetics are one of the best parts, it not only keeps old players coming back. But it also allows for new players to find there groove and customize the car in almost infinitely ways.

Ranked Skins

These skins are awarded to all players that participated in ranked and achieved past the 10 wins needed. For the time I've been playing, I want to say these are the best car decal ranked rewards I have been in yet. I still won't use them (because I whiff sometimes) but they are definitely really neat. I am only ranked up to diamond last season so that is all I can show you unfortunately.

Ranked Season 3 Rewards

Rocket Pass Season 4

Psyonix has been going hard with the rocket pass the last couple seasons, by far one of the best passes to buy for the price. $10(USD) and as long as you pass level 70 you will be able to pay for the next. I've personally done this process since before the game went free (4+ Seasons). I have hundreds of cosmetics for free just by playing, and getting to 70 is not hard at all.

As with every pass, a new car was dropped. The Outlaw! Shown below is the level 1 and 70 variation. (Level 70 version is middle car, right picture)

Along with the car, a new map was added which looks pretty normal to rocket league so I wont waste your time with it.

Now for all of the cosmetics from the pass! There are so many to go over so I'll link a video that does a great job going through everything and he also does great content over Rocket League. The rest will be pictures and hopefully I do the items justice. If there is one pass that would get new players to play, I suggest it be this season, Psyonix hit everything on the nose with this one.

The cursor on the items are the one I am showing in case you get confused

Thank you for reading!
And until next time...