Bought an Oculus Quest 2 to exercise and be social while sick

I bought and just received an Oculus Quest 2 to exercise and be social while staying at home. I am sick and don’t want to contaminate people at the gym nor nowhere else, but don’t want to stay inactive and bored at home. A traditional console wouldn’t cut it.



I have downloaded a few games and bought Beatsaber because I was very interested in that game. I played a little bit and discovered I suck at this game, but it was fun. Beatsaber feels like the Guitar Hero of VR and that is huge. Many songs are paid though and that sucks…. The game is already paid, why do I have to buy extra songs?!

I also played some social games live VRChat and Rec Room. A few years back VRChat went viral and I used to burst out laughing watching youtubers interacting and playing that game. Today, finally playing it myself, I honestly felt those games are actually pretty boring, even annoying because of the kids screaming and being brats in the game.

Regardless of complaints, I had a lot of fun on my first day with the console, but not everything was smooth, I feel what they call “motion sick”, and because I was already feeling ill it compounded and I feel like throwing up.

I played almost 2 hours, switching between a few free games and beatsaber, and it got me very very tired and motionsick.

I hope to get better soon and to get used to the motion stuff so I don’t get sick anymore because I loved this headset. I want to start creating content with it, record gameplay and post here because it has potential and it is very fun (except the part of the screaming brats in social games)

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