Wolfenstein: The New Colossus - holoz0r's A-Z of Steam - a great FPS!


This game starts with a complete and entire recap of The New Order, which sets you up for what to expect in terms of the plot of a new game. Picking up quite literally where the previous game let off, you're picking up the plot with an incredibly wounded protagonist going through flashbacks from their youth.

It is these flashbacks which set the tone for the game. It's a dark, macabre tone, with the first shot you fire being one of the most difficult trigger pulls you'll ever do in a video game. It's delightfully fucked up, and I expected from there, for the game to become more confrontational and morally difficult.

This wasn't even a war scene.


The first combat scene is a unique one. You start out sitting in a wheel chair, totin'. a sub machine gun on a German U-Boat. You are the unassailable hero.

Then, you have to make more terrible choices. Along that path, you witness more gore, less forced stealth sections, and a combat system that rewards you along the way for performing actions in certain ways.

The technical issues that plagued the original games and their engines seem to be mostly gone as well. No more was I beset with random, unexplained frame drops.


This game builds on the work that The New Order and The Old Blood commenced. There's a hub area; lots of extras to discover along the way, and a story that is told again, through pre rendered FMVs which look even more horrific and dated when compared to the real time graphics in the game.

This is something that will never cease to frustrate me. Please, stop doing it, developers. Between this scenes, you'll get to do all the gunplay you'd like to enjoy. All the same, there will be a constant internal monologue that the protagonist maintains which is rather pessimistic towards his ongoing existence.

"I'm dying", the protagonist muses, as he slaughters wave after wave of zombie fighters.

This is really entertaining, short form game design, that is again, reminiscent of old school shooters. No large outdoor environments, satisfying, effective guns, and a story with just enough thread to follow and keep you interested.


When I played this game, and indeed the other Wolfenstein games over the past few days, all I wanted was a basic first person shooter to scratch the itch, because I've not played any in such a long time. Instead, I found myself enjoying the story just enough to mentally dig deep enough into the story to see it for what it is - a mindless romp with an attempt to throw in some philosophy and propoganda material.

There's an excellent mission where you go to Roswell, and it is everything you expect. Wild conspiracy theories, unhinged rambling, and a completely autistic conspiracy theorist with a board connected by red strings and pins. It's the greatest parody I've ever seen in gaming; and I loved every second of it. Even if it was one of those poorly rendered cut scenes.

It was beautiful. It's something I want to show everyone. You even get an "Aliens!" moment.


It is another game that doesn't take itself very seriously, and has a very bombastic story that gets better as it accelerates towards its climax. This is an easier to digest game for the whole than the prior ones; and probably the best in terms of story.

The weapons are just so satisfying though. I can't get over them. You can even upgrade them to suit your play style. If you follow the extras, you get even more upgrades.

Overall, this is a great first person shooter, and if I ever feel like a FPS game again, this is something I'd definitely play again.

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