Mastering the Battlefield: A Guide to Splinterlands' Abilities & Status Effects

Splinterlands isn't just about brute force. It's a strategic card game where understanding your units' abilities and how they interact with status effects can turn the tide of battle. This guide equips you with the knowledge to dominate the battlefield!

Unleashing Powerful Abilities:

Imagine a hulking Orc Warrior with a 50% chance to Afflict his opponent, inflicting lingering poison damage each round. Or a mystical Mermaid Mage who can Dispel debilitating debuffs from your team, keeping them fighting fit. These are just a taste of the diverse abilities that enhance your Splinterlands units.

We'll delve into some key abilities like Blast for extra damage, Cripple to slow enemies, and Retaliate for a surprising counter-attack. Understanding the chance of activation and strategic use of these abilities will form the backbone of your combat tactics.

Understanding the Impact of Status Effects:

A well-timed Slow on an enemy attacker can completely disrupt their turn. Conversely, Inspiring your champion can grant them a devastating edge. We'll explore a range of status effects, both positive and negative, including Demoralize, Protect, and the ever-troublesome Silence. Knowing how to counter these effects with cleansing abilities or strategically timed attacks becomes a crucial aspect of mastering the game.

Unveiling the Secrets to Victory:

This guide isn't just about memorizing abilities. We'll show you how to develop winning strategies based on ability synergies and status effect manipulation. Learn how to build a team that can Cripple key enemies, Protect your frontline, and unleash devastating Blast attacks at the right moment.

Resources for the Aspiring Champion:

We'll also point you towards valuable resources like the official Splinterlands Ability List and guides to help you master these mechanics. With this knowledge at your fingertips, you'll be well on your way to conquering the battlefield and claiming victory in Splinterlands!

Splinterlands offers a variety of unit abilities and status effects that can significantly impact gameplay. Here's a breakdown of the two categories:


These are special actions units can perform during combat, triggered under specific conditions. Some common abilities include:

  • Affliction (50% chance): Applies the "Poison" status effect to the target with a 50% chance.
  • Blast (100% chance): Deals additional damage to the target.
  • Cripple (100% chance): Reduces the target's speed, hindering their attack order. (Cannot be reduced to zero health)
  • Dispel (100% chance): Removes all negative status effects from a friendly unit.
  • Halving (100% chance): Reduces the target's attack power by half for the current round.
  • Poison (50% chance): Deals damage to the target at the beginning of each round after it's applied. (Not affected by shields or void)
  • Retaliate (50% chance upon being struck by a melee attack): Deals damage back to the attacker.
  • Slow (Cannot be reduced to zero): Reduces the target's speed, hindering their attack order.

Status Effects:

These are temporary alterations to a unit's stats or behavior, affecting gameplay. Some important status effects include:

  • Cripple (Cannot be reduced to zero): Reduces the target's speed, hindering their attack order. This effect cannot be cleansed and persists until it wears off.
  • Demoralize (Cannot be reduced to zero): Reduces the target's magic attack by half.
  • Headwinds (Cannot be reduced to zero): Reduces the target's ranged attack by half.
  • Inspire: Increases the target's attack by 1 for the current round. This effect can stack with multiple applications.
  • Protect: Grants the target a shield that absorbs the next incoming attack's damage.
  • Rust: Reduces the target's armor, making them more susceptible to physical attacks.
  • Silence (Cannot be reduced to zero): Prevents the target from using abilities during the round.
  • Slow (Cannot be reduced to zero): Reduces the target's speed, hindering their attack order. This effect cannot be cleansed and persists until it wears off.

Additional Points:

  • Not all abilities have a 100% chance of triggering. Some, like Affliction and Poison, have a chance to activate.
  • Certain abilities or cards can remove status effects (cleanse).
  • Some abilities or cards can be used strategically to counter specific status effects.

For a more comprehensive list and detailed information about abilities and status effects, you can refer to the official Splinterlands resources:

Remember, understanding these abilities and status effects is crucial for developing effective strategies and maximizing your win rate in Splinterlands!


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