New CPU, Dual Channel - Fantastic! Update Video.

This is the final destination on my upgrade journey to get the best gaming experience possible. Even if I do upgrade my CPU to a 7700 eventually, I don't think it's quite necessary to make a video about it.

Cyberpunk and Spiderman especially saw the greatest improvements in framerates making them go from stutterfests to actual playable experiences.

I paid only $20 for this new motherboard with everything working, which is absolutely fine since the last motherboard had come free with the new CPU. But it was so filled with problems that I just had to swap it out. Shoutout to the guys at Watts Informática for giving me this deal and understanding the situation... Even though they could've just given me a good motherboard to begin with :P eh, I'll let it pass, it's fine. At least now everything is working and I'm having fun.

As you can see in this video, I got quite a good improvement on many games, having my FPS shot up by quite a bit.
Now I can finally focus on more game-oriented content and likely do videos about it. Thanks to everyone who's liked my content until now, you've helped make all of this possible.

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