Good Game Trade, Good Day.

I think it must've become pretty clear to those near me here that I'm kinda good at trading stuff and making some money with videogames.

After all, 20 years of gaming have given me some experience, and 10 years of trading help me gauge values.

My friend was looking for a PS3, and I had a Slim to spare, he offered a PSP + R$450. Said the PSP would come with some games.

The PSP is a Street model, the simplest cheapest one without even wifi. I thought that was fair enough, these are still worth some money, but he gave me.. more.

First he decided to give me his old GT 210, which I have no clue what I'll use for.
Then he gave me a old very screwed up European PS2... And 4 original PS2 games.

That Ghost Vibration thing is actually Ben 10, but still, pretty cool.
Specially due to Tokobot+ and Resi Outbreak, which are worth quite a bit of money. It'll be hard to sell them but hey, maybe I might play them while I can't find a buyer.

The thing is though, I couldn't exactly see everything inside the game sack he gave me on the ride home on the bus.

In fact, this is the best shot I could take.

When I got home my jaw dropped.

Alongside the PlayStation 2 and the GT210, he had given me all of this. I was even worried and asked him if he was sure I could have all of this he said it was absolutely fine because he paid very little for it when he was living in Portugal.

The price of the games alone should be enough to cover a PlayStation 3 here in Brazil because original games are very expensive since most people back then pirated them.

I've already managed to sell the Playstation 2 for R$70 even if it was a little beat up. I took that money out of the total price of the PlayStation 3 and now I still have R$380 coming up.

I'm really really shocked that he let me keep all this, all this will help so much.

I'll be keeping some of the PSP games because they interest me quite a bit, and the PS2 ones will definitely take a while to sell so I might as well use them a bit.

The console itself did not come with a charger and with only 2gbs of memory, but that is getting fixed rather soon.

Either way, sometimes I get really lucky but today I think it was a once in a lifetime trade to be honest...

I can make so much money out of this and have so much fun with the things I'll keep.

Thank you friendo, you're the real OG.

Oh, and my day only got luckier. On the way home, I stopped at a local tech shop owned by a guy I do business with... And I was offered a part time job!

Even more money so I can travel around, get a car and play even more games!

I'm just happy my doods. @stk-g should check this out because I'm not writing all of this again on Discord lolol

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