PS5 purchase: It is gonna be a while for us in Vietnam

Ah the PS5, I see all of your footage online and look at it with a tinge of sadness and envy despite the fact that the PS4 still dazzles me and I probably don't even use that thing to its full potential. I also have a backlog of about 20 games from my PS Plus membership that I haven't even played yet and I have finished very few of the games that I have altogether. Basically, I am a casual gamer.

But that doesn't mean that I don't want a PS5 even though I know for fact that I do not need it.


I know that I do not need this thing and it is probably a good thing that I continue to be satisfied with my PS4 because here in South East Asia, we aren't exactly a priority market for console manufacturers. Obviously Japan and USA are number one, but we tend to become a part of the market sometime after Botswana and tiny island in Polynesia.

I have no idea why this is but I suspect it is due at least in part to the overall economics of the two countries I have lived in in the past 2 years (Thailand and Vietnam) and the fact that if these systems can be hacked and get all the software loaded onto them for free, our two countries would definitely do that.

I know that when I was in Thailand you could get a PS4 with basically every latest game installed on it with an external hard drive as well as access to a private server that would constantly update any new games that game out where you could download anything at any time, for free. With all of this installed it means you can't do online play of course, but not everyone actually does that now do they?

I however did not get involved in this because obviously this negates your warranty and these shops were always a bit too dodgy for my liking. Plus since I got the PS4 so late (just under 2 years ago) they were practically giving the things away.

Now that the PS5 is out, I hear people talking about price gouging and what not and I don't know if that is still going on but it is happening here, and not in private either.


For a limited time during TET, which is the most important holiday of the year for Vietnamese people, you can pick up a PS5 for a mere 24 million VND! This is about $1100 but here's the kicker, it is only marked down for a few days for the holiday. Normally the retail price of console is 38 million VND or around $1700. This is the standard PS5 as well.. you know, the one you can order at for $399.

The official Playstation Vietnam store has no links to getting a system and the best I can tell is that these are likely being imported from Japan at great expense.

So I can either buy this console or i can pay my rent for 5 months. It's a pretty easy decision in my book.

I know a few of you out there have a PS5 because I see you upload videos about it on a regular basis: Do you feel as though there is a massive difference between it and the PS4 in terms of how it simply feels?

This purchase will not enter my life until travel is reopened to USA and back and I'll probably just get one at Gamestop (if they still exist) or some other retail outlet while I am there. There is no chance I will ever pay $1000 or more for it, regardless of how awesome it is.

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