Come let’s explore-Multicraft !

Hello everyone , let’s explore a game through me lenses , the game is called Multicraft and is available on both Android and ios . The game is similar to minecraft and has an user friendly data base . The game is easy to play and fum too . Come let’s explore !
( I have linked the game below - You can download it easily )
The starting interfaces looks something like this .
You can opt for any option under the same :


And don’t forget to apply the creative mode . You can easily find that below the start button .

Once you get started with it , you will land on a part on the map (those similar to mine craft) and you can choose your location for building your empire or whatsoever you wish to .


I landed on a green forest area admist the trees , it was located 671.562 SE on the map . The place was quite good but I felt i wanted a more dramatic place.

So , by double clicking on the move button , the fly mode gets enabled and you can travel wherever you wish to . After flying for some 2-3 mins, I found this beautiful place where the mountains were stepped cut and i found it the best place to construct what I wish to.


I wanted to construct an underwater dive through . I know this is too dramatic but ya , I wish to do that . I imagined of a large dive through underwater empire . Just like we do scuba diving in a sea , similarly a underwater dive into an empire .


There are a variety of toold available :
I have inserted just one slide out of 8-9 pages . There are enormous tools available in creative mode .
You can use them and show the best of your creativity.

Tools I used

Main ToolSub Tools
BrickstoneCement Brick
Lava Bucket
Water BucketGrass
TNTBed (Blue)

Gaming time

I placed a deck of TNT randomly below the mountain . It was totally a random structure as I wanted a raw and rough look , similar to those of sunken empires.

Once the TNT was ready , I placed the lava on them to generate fire . As TNT is used for destruction and minings , We need fire to activate them so I used Lava bucket to activate them .

As you can see when the lava and TNT came into contact, there was an explosion and the ground was mined underneath. I loved the raw creations that resulted out of random placements .

Just look at the structure, Isn’t it amazing. The up-down texture is just so perfect.

Water Bucket - The essential to build a pool

Now the water bucket plays a major role, you just need to place water everywhere .
Remember: Don’t start from the bottom, it’s senseless.
If we place water on top corners , it will eventually flow down to the bottom , as the nature of water is .
But if you start from underneath covering each block , it will takes you ages to make it and is totally of no use.

Poured the water buckets in all sections of the pool and Boom , our empire was ready !

What more?

I am thinking of surrounding it by stones and then build caves underneath, what do you all say ?
Any suggestions?

All the screenshots are from the game - Multicraft
You can download it from here -Multicraft

I am always and always grateful to you guys

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