Why does the PlayStation 4 overheat?

Undoubtedly the PlayStation 4 was one of the most relevant systems of the eighth generation of consoles, due to its huge amount of sales and various video games that can be enjoyed on it, however, not everything was perfect during its lifetime, as there were several problems which users have expressed in different social networks, such as the blue light of death, but among all of them there is one that every gamer who has had this console has had to deal with, is overheating.

Undoubtedly the PlayStation 4 was one of the most relevant systems of the eighth generation of consoles, due to its enormous amount of There is something that we must take into account in this console and is its power, this makes its internal components heat up to certain temperatures, therefore they need a fully optimal ventilation system so they can work. The one that comes from the factory inside the console is a Blower type, which is responsible for extracting all the internal heat out, but for this to be carried out the console needs its ventilation holes are completely clear.

It is here when two things must be taken into account, the dust and the space where we place it, if our PlayStation 4 is too hot we must pay attention to the two things mentioned above, the easiest to solve is the space, since it will only be enough to change the place where we have the console or move things that are around it, it is important to place it in such a way that none of its holes are covered with the wall or other object.

The second problem is more complicated to solve, the dust, since we need to disassemble the console and clean the entire ventilation system, including the fan cooler, the heatsink and the holes where the PS4 breathes. On the internet we can find multiple tutorials on how to disassemble a PlayStation 4, it is a delicate job, if you do not have any experience you can locate a trusted technician to do the job.

There is something that we must take into account when the console is exposed to high heat for long periods of time, this is the thermal paste, which is located between the heat sink and the processor, it is the one that allows heat transmission efficiently between these two components, however, this tends to dry out and lose its properties after long periods of use.

It is here the importance of changing the thermal paste after a certain time, between 1 or 2 years depending on the use you give to the console, and make sure to buy one of excellent quality, so we guarantee its life for much longer. This advice can also be applied to other consoles that have a similar cooling system.

In summary, the cause of the PlayStation 4 getting so hot commonly is the accumulation of dust and expiration of the thermal paste, this makes your cooling system not working properly, causing high temperatures and decreasing the life of the console, if you follow the tips I indicated above you will make your PS4 cooler and have better performance.

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