60 Seconds! ReAtomized Day 26 : Oh, NOW Timmy wants some water



I guess we forgot to feed and water the Timmy again.


Where is Mary Jane at? It's been a few days I think... She is probably fine..


We have been asked to send a represenative from the family to meet with some other survivors. Better send Ted.

60 Seconds! ReAtomized is a fun survival stragedy game from Robot Gentleman. Grab all you can within the 60 seconds, including you spouse and two kids, and survive until you get rescued or die.

Available on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012880/60_Seconds_Reatomized/

There is a great selection of affordable survival video games available on Amazon as well. I like to browse for the games I want and add them to a shopping list. Amazon will then send my app alerts when they go on sale. https://amzn.to/3jtPUYj

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