60 Seconds! ReAtomized Day 25 : Mary Jane is probably not mutated yet...


The shady sack trader gave us a cat for our can of soup. Seems like a plus, we now have something to keep us entertained and maybe it will catch some of those radioactive roaches. It better since it can't have our soup.


Good little Timmy making the best of this shit situation. He has even started trying out a new hairdo.


Time to water the family.


Another trader came to the door today. This one didn't look so shady, so we figuered we weren't going to end up with another cat.

We are always in need of more water and Timmy has read that Scout Book dozens of times, it's time to trade it in for some bottles of H2O.


60 Seconds! ReAtomized is a fun survival stragedy game from Robot Gentleman. Grab all you can within the 60 seconds, including you spouse and two kids, and survive until you get rescued or die.

Available on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012880/60_Seconds_Reatomized/

There is a great selection of affordable survival video games available on Amazon as well. I like to browse for the games I want and add them to a shopping list. Amazon will then send my app alerts when they go on sale. https://amzn.to/3jtPUYj

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