[EN] Ocean Planet | Create HIVE wallet

Hello everyone🤚

Today I will tell you how to create your HIVE wallet and how to log in to HIVE.

The easiest way to create a wallet is through ecency sign up.

  1. Follow the link above👆
  2. Fill in the fields👇
    _2022_01_20_12.04.08.pngIn the "referred user" field you can optionally specify fantasour 🙂
  3. The first letter will be sent to your e-mail address. In this letter you will have to follow the link👇
    After following the link, another letter will arrive in your mail, which will contain your ecency login details👇_2022_01_20_12.11.03.png
  4. With the help of the login details we can log in to ecency. After this, go to the account settings👇
    Press "permissons"👇
    Enter the password from the mail and press "view keys"👇
    Here you can see all your wallet keys:
    Owner key is the most important key needed to restore other keys
    Active key is used for various actions with the wallet (various transactions)
    Posting key is a lower-level key used for authorizations in various applications (we will use it to register in Ocean Planet)
    Memo key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages
    More about the keys

I advise you to store these keys very securely, preferably on external storage device

Congratulations, we have created a wallet, now we can log in to Ocean Planet via KeyChain or HiveSigner. I will tell about it in the next post.

A link to the next post will be added here

Thank you all for your attention. Until the next posts🤚

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