RE: Just Found My Oldest Memory Cards

Oh this is nostalgic! If I were you I'd frame them and hang them on the wall 😆
How much space do these hold btw? Not even 1Mb? Nowadays you can download an emulator and any games you want for free and play them on your phone, and the space they'd take wouldn't be significant.
I know I'm acting like a boomer right now, but you're the one who posted pictures of PS1 memory cards 😂

I think the PS1 and PS2 were modded in all Arab countries btw, probably because there was no law when it came to videogames back then, because of that PS1/PS2 games costed less than $3 each! I had more of them than I can remember, but they also used to stop working very often, I actually had 3 copies of some of my favorite games because of this, I used to try them out until one worked, but then it'd stop working on the loading screen... Those were good days 😂

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