Streaming Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

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This is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!


I was playing AC: Valhalla for a bit this morning and I am still trying to decide if I like the combat in that game. The controls are pretty dumb and I wish there was a parry and better targeting in that game. The combat was one of the things that people had said that Valhalla was lacking, and I think I am going to have to agree with them.

So I got Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and I am going to be trying this game out from the beginning with this stream. I have heard that this is the best AC game that has been released, so I am pretty excited about it. The 300 movies were some of my favorites and I really like the Spartan Warrior history. I am looking forward to seeing how good this game is and if I am going to be playing this one more than Valhalla or not.

You can check out my stream for the game here:

Or if you missed the live stream, you can go to twitch channel here and watch the replay of the game:

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