Short guide to the types of planets in the game EXODE. My experience after 27 planets found


Previously, I wrote a short guide to finding the perfect planet in the @EXODE game - @cryptogeekua/galopom-po-planetam-gajd-po-shvidkomu-farmu-idealnoyi-planeti-v-gri-exode.

Finding a good planet is really very important for a successful game in the future. After all, then it will be fixed and it will be impossible to change anything. In the meantime, each player can restart the evacuation mission if he doesn't like the planet he landed on.

I did this 27 times (actually more) and found 27 different planets. And I want to tell you a little more about my observations.

The main parameters of the planet:

  • a type,
  • the size,
  • temperature,
  • illumination,
  • comfort,
  • availability of resources.

I did this 27 times (actually more) and found 27 different planets. And I want to tell you a little more about my observations.

In total, I found 7 types of planets:

  • Terrestrial Planet (5 planets),
  • Jungle world (3 planets),
  • Oceanic world (2 planets),
  • Ice World (5 planets),
  • Desert World (3 planets),
  • Volcanic World (6 planets),
  • Rocky Planet (3 planets).

Regions on planets - from 3 to 5
Sectors on planets - 19 - 55 (but there can be much more)

The maximum number of Wildlife on one planet - 11
The maximum number of Vegetal life on one planet - 13
The maximum number of Ore on one planet - 10
The maximum number of Minerals on one planet - 14

Not once on the planets have I met two identical names of plants, animals, ores or minerals.

I did not find any relationship between temperature or type of planet and the comfort of living.

Pay attention to the names of the planets - most begin with the letter A

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