Subway surfers

First of all I know alot of you guys already know this game, yes you might even recall some old memories of the past especially for Android users. Me too I reacall playing this game alot when I was aged 12 and I had my first smartphone an Android phone it was really awesome. So what about this game many of you who don't know might be asking? This game was one of the most popular game for Android phones when Android phone where making rounds through out the globe especially for Africa here where I reside yes we played it alot and it made me make alot of friends in my area as I was the first kid who got and Android phone that time. As I recall it felt was created by SYBO in 2012 in collaboration with kiloo.both companies are based out of Denmark.

Subway surfers are people who can't afford the usual trainfares in places such as India, southarica, and Indonesia, and are thus relegated to sitting or standing at the outside of the trains for is an endless running game consisting of a boi or character being chased on a train rail by a security man which if he catches you and say game ended in which you have to try again. This game became so famous that rumours where even spreading that the creator created the game in memory of his son who died in a railroad which is just a rumour and no facts.

Did you know this game has a series you can go and watch below go check it out

You can download this game on your iOS and Android store

Thanks alot for being here

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