Building a new restaurant for my Minecraft city [ENG-ESP]



Greetings to all my fellow Hive members, today's construction is about a restaurant, located next to the football stadium, so after enjoying a good game or before, you can enjoy a good meal. The construction of today is a restaurant, located next to the soccer stadium, so after enjoying a good game or before, you will be able to enjoy a good meal.

In the construction of the baker's house some colleagues commented that it looked like a prison because of the iron bars. But it happens that I want to place them is like this type of barred window and the closest thing that there is is these. In this construction I also used them, I hope it doesn't look like a jail 馃槄.

Construction process
The first thing was to create the facade, made with quartz pillars, having two windows one on each side with gardens and in the center the entrance with a small window above.
The next was to make the walls towards the back, on both sides with white and brown concrete. In this front part to be able to continue with the construction I had to measure where the tables would go and the space between each one of them, (this would be another dining area).

With brick blocks I made the foundation stairs, left space for two gardens and closed it with iron railings. In the upper part a small corridor was left to proceed with the structure.

The structure of the living room as such was made with jungle wood, windows to the sides and the entrance, the design of the floor was started in a way that later I had to change it "since I didn't like it" for one similar to a checkerboard. A long piece of floor was built to later measure where the tables would go in the same way as it was done on the outside. Here they were placed vertically so that more tables would fit, "the quartz that you see in the shape of an (L) is how I measured".

At the end is not only placed the division for the office area, made with dark oak wood, on the right side were placed the bathrooms for both ladies and men, designed with white/blue and white/purple concrete.

Behind the office area we built the kitchen area, closing it with the same jungle wood and leaving a gap to connect both. Now we proceed to place the tables and seats made with birch wood, on top of each of these we placed lamps made with white tinted glass and end sticks.

The roof was covered with acacia wood and some touches were made in the front part of the restaurant's living room; with quartz pillars and dark oak wood. On the outside, the floor was built with dark oak wood, the rest of the tables were placed, the bars were placed and the wall was completed, the external and internal gardens were decorated with flowers.
The ceiling was built with dark oak wood, the lighting was made with glass cubes and to illuminate at night with end sticks in each of these cubes. So this beautiful restaurant would be complete, I hope you like the design, if you like you can leave me your comments below. See you in a future post.


Saludos a todos mis compa帽eros de Hive, la construcci贸n de hoy se trata de un restaurante, ubicado al lado del estadio de f煤tbol, as铆 que luego de disfrutar un buen partido o antes, podr谩s degustar una buena comida.

El la construcci贸n de la casa del panadero algunos compa帽eros comentaron que parec铆a una c谩rcel por los barrotes de hierro. Pero sucede que quiero colocarles es as铆 tipo ventanal enrrejado y lo m谩s parecido que hay es estos. En esta construcci贸n tambi茅n los utilic茅 espero no les parezca c谩rcel 馃槄.

Proceso de construcci贸n
Lo primero fue crear la fachada, hecha con pilares de cuarzo, teniendo dos ventanales uno de cada lado con jardines y en el centro la entrada con un ventanal peque帽o arriba.
Los siguientes fue hacer los muros hacia atr谩s, de ambos lados con hormig贸n blanco y marr贸n. En esta parte frontal para poder seguir con la construcci贸n tuve que medir donde ir铆an las mesas y el espacio entre cada una de ellas, (esta ser铆a otra 谩rea de comedor).

Con bloques de ladrillos se hizo el cimiento escaleras, se dej贸 espacio para dos jardines y se cerr贸 con barandas de barrotes de hierro. En la parte de arriba se dej贸 un peque帽o pasillo para proceder con la estructura.

La estructura de ya del sal贸n como tal fue hecha con madera de jungla, ventanas hacia los lados y la entrada, el dise帽o del suelo se comenz贸 a hacer de una forma que luego tuve cambiarla "ya que no me gustaba" por uno parecido a tablero de damas. Se construy贸 un pedazo largo de suelo para luego realizar la medici贸n donde ir铆an las mesas de igual forma c贸mo se hizo en la parte de afuera. Aqu铆 se colocaron de forma vertical para que entrar谩n m谩s mesas, "el cuarzo que ven en forma de (L) es como med铆".

Al final no es solo coloque la divisi贸n para el 谩rea de despacho, hechas con madera de roble oscuro, del lado derecho se colocaron los ba帽os tanto de damas como el caballero, dise帽ados con hormig贸n blanco/az煤l y blanco/morado.

Detras del 谩rea despacho se construy贸 el 谩rea de la cocina cerrando con la misma madera de jungla y dejandolo un hueco para conectar ambos. Ahora s铆 procedemos a colocar las mesas y asientos hechas con madera de abedul, encima de cada una de estas se colocaron l谩mparas hechas con cristal tintado de blanco y varas de end.

Se tech贸 con madera de acacia y se dieron algunos retoques en la parte frontal del sal贸n del restaurante; con pilares de cuarzo y madera de roble oscuro. En la parte exterior se construy贸 el suelo con madera de roble oscuro, se colocaron el resto de mesas, se colocaron los barrotes y se complet贸 la pared, con flores se decor贸 los jardines tanto externos como interno.
Se construy贸 el techo con madera de roble oscuro, la iluminaci贸n fue hecha con cubos de cristal y para iluminar en la noche con varas de end en cada uno de estos cubos. As铆 estar铆a completo este hermoso restaurante espero les agrade el dise帽o, si gustan pueden dejarme sus comentarios ac谩 abajo. Nos vemos en un pr贸ximo post.

Screenshots of the building process/ Capturas del proceso de construcci贸n







Final build/ Construcci贸n final







Game: Minecraft Version
Translated with (free version)
All screenshots were taken by me

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