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dCity: Runaway Taxes?!

Hi fellow Gamers,

Now that we have a new tax-obsessed administration in the United States, that same insanity is expanding to dCity?!


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Taxed to Oblivion!

What the hell is up with this insane tax rate? I keep seeing my daily income get increasingly shat on with this insane rate. I know these crooks in the American government like to steal your money but that doesn't mean you need to do the same on a platform like dCity 🤣!


I was thinking that it's been great to keep buying cards from the game itself instead of hitting the market all the time. Now that I'm getting decimated in taxes though, I can't do that! My earnings crossed 900 SIM per day, at 0% taxes of course. Now that we have these atrocious tax rates though, there's not a hell of a lot us lower-tier players can do! This insane tax rate will hopefully go away soon so we can go back to earning decent SIM to, for players like me, turn around and buy back into the system. I know there are leeches who just use it to keep selling but not I!

What is the purpose of the crazy taxes, anyways? Things like War Tax seem like a ponzi scheme to help those with the military cards hehe.

The other day I finally crossed 300 total owned cards! That was a great achievement for me. With these awful taxes though, really shit on my income to keep affording new cards lol.


My god just between the few hours that I finished this post and scheduled it, and checked again, the taxes went up another 10%! What the hell?! Extortion it seems like!


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