dCity update and my presidential candidature

Hello 👋 Hivers and hive gaming lovers,
Here in dCity my involvement is increasing day-by-day. Devoting more time and also increasing investment to grow my city. As in my previous post I mention that I already have accumulated 1M SIM, and soon I will be eligible for SIMillionaire benefits of the dCity game. As I am indulging in the game also learning about the game how it works. I think it is the best strategy to play a game that first you read about the basics of the game and start playing. As you proceed, more understanding will develop about the game, and you will build confidants and enjoy the game.

According to game statistics, my current city value is about 1.7M SIM. Actually city value is the total market value of the card any one hold to build the city, it changes every time as cards trade in the market.

There are two types of income in the game, one is SIM income and the other one is Hive income. It all depends on the current tax rate. The current president has reduced the taxes to the max he could do so SIM income is increased for everyone but at the same time, Hive income is reduced and inflation increased. As a result, SIM price dropped.

As a presidential candidate, I do support the lower tax model as it encourages new gamer to enter. If the tax rate is above 100% it becomes difficult for a new gamer to enter as buying tax refund cards and war share generate SIM income. But Hive income increases at the same time, which depends on ranking again, so not attractive for new gamers. If I win the race, I will continue the current model of taxes.

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