Golem Overlord - Mayhem III Event | Don't Miss This Opportunity

The Golem Overlord game announced two events recently, one is Mayhem III and another one is Resilient Scavengers II event. Right now Mayhem III is an ongoing event and 8 days are left for the event to end. In this blog, we will see about the Mayhem III event. Also, I will share my game activity and strategy.

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Mayhem III Event

This event is ongoing and will end on 8th July 2023. Now during this Mayhem III event, our energy cooldown is decreased by 25%. Hence, we will get energy 25% faster than usual. This will help you to get more attack chances. Also, you will get a 25% extra battle reward for every win.

From the below screenshot, you can see that, I will get 1 Energy every 2.30 hrs. So, I have made some plans and will play accordingly. This event will definitely help you to increase your stats faster.

My account level is 10 with one prestige. I will continue to increase my level. Yesterday I burned some parts for the Reputation. Hence I am getting around 1.1XP per hour. My Power and Fortication is 15+2. I kept both my power and fortification stats the same. My Golem charging station is 6. I tried to keep my Faith much higher for good shard drop chance and for strength as well. My faith is 20+2 and my Banked is 175.

I always focused on my account growth and upgrade. That is what is really helping me right now. I have a good defense and good attack, so doing pretty well in the game. My next target is to make my Power & Fortification at 20. This event will really help me to upgrade my stats faster.

In the morning, I got attacked and they looted a lot. Also, I did two attacks and got a good amount of PART in both battles. So, I claimed 59.5 PART and 1.3 SHARD.

My rating in the game is 2432 and my rank is at 686. A few days ago I spent much SHARD to purchase background nft. Later I purchased some SHARD tokens. Now I have 77 SHARD and I am going to save it for the next NFT launch. My 24hr PART burned is 249 and 24hr PART claimed is 175.

That's it for my today's blog. In the end, I will say that we have to stay positive and positive things are going to happen for sure. It will take time, we just need to wait for the right time and opportunity.

Keep playing and have fun... Thank you...

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If you want to join Golem Overlord, you can join with my referral link.
My Referral Link: https://go.splex.gg/?ref=catharsis


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Disclaimer: Information provided in this blog is for information purposes only. This information is not for legal or financial advice.

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