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New Ninja Turtles game, and reminiscing my favorite retro turtles games.


If youre a Ninja Turtles fan at all, theres a new game out called Shredders Revenge. Its a throw back to the original animated series. The original cartoon being the best in my opinion and many others believe so. The newer movies and reboots were ok too, but the original series just seemed the most creative and visually satisfying.

Its already getting some pretty good reviews, heres the box art.

I have not bought the game, yet, not sure when, but i may join in on supporting it because the game play is pretty good. Its a step up from previous games with more moves, nice animations, and many cameos from classic characters. I have watched 2 streamers do a playthough already. 1 on hardcore mode and 1 just normal difficulty.

It gets me thinking about the older games from nintendo and sega genesis that i fell in love with, and that i still have now.

The original turtles game on nintendo is one of the hardest games. The difficulty of it was pretty intense. With the famous dam level, and needing to defuse the bombs is epic. I have never gotten past half of the game when i was young, it was always quite the challenge. I have since watched a playthough of course so i have seen the whole game played, the bosses, ending. Also a speedrun, those are pretty cool.

Turtles II, the arcade game was a little easier, but was also always quite the challenge. Im trying to think but not quite sure i have finished the game. Still quite challenging.

From Sega Genesis though, the Hyperstone Heist, could be my favorite Turtles game ever. With nice graphics for the time and a difficulty that was much more easy to handle on normal difficulty. I played this one quite a bit and finished the game many times. Beating Shredder at the end was always satisfying. My original game is still in good shape and does work. Original manual intact too.

Well darn, i thought i had the manual, guess i lost it or have it somewhere else, bummer.

I have a couple drawers full of my old crap. Other games like sonic, mario, duck hunt with the original light gun.

Well, nostalgia is over. I can plug in my old Nintendo or Sega since they still work but i wont be doing so right now. Would be a bit of a mission to pull things out and connect, but i think it will be time to do that eventually. Test my systems to make sure they still work because its been couple years since i turned them on.

Time for me to be a turtle and get back in my shell though.